J6 Hearing


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
I have no idea who Ray Epps is. I googled his name.

Sam, this popped up yesterday, I saw it today.
I'm just offering a hand.

I honestly believe you would be fair if you had the opportunity at facts that have been hidden. I hope you will read it and draw your own conclusions or at the least have questions of why J6 committee and house democrats
hope they can obscure him. Rest assured if the repubics take the house Ray Epps will become public knowledge, no more scrubbing.


Well-Known Member
Because of his wife. And because they're not reporting the income she makes from Heritage Foundation.
I see, you don't like that his wife's political positions aren't leftist or you don't think spouses of Supreme Court Justices can have a political philosophy?

In 2011, Justice Thomas amended 13 years' worth of disclosure reports to include details of Ginni Thomas' sources of income. The amended documents showed that she had worked for the Heritage Foundation as well as Hillsdale College in Michigan and the House Republican leadership, among others.



Well-Known Member
I'm not your bitch so stop ordering me around like I need to answer to you.
You are correct, you aren't my bitch, that would take my assent, you do seem to present as a bitch however.
And I thought we had formed a line of communication.

You don't have to get so bitch slappy, just say you don't know an answer or are not equipped to respond.