Just started my 30 days. Need advice on navigation (on topic)


Never bought my own handtruck
I've got just about everything down besides how to navigate streets in an unfamiliar area. Anyone know any tricks, besides having maps in the package car with me?
Pay attention? I used to make maps of my areas and write down the number blocks on the map. Remember corner houses, and don’t use your phone too much, you’ll remember it all better without it.


Well-Known Member
Never use map nav. Never use the GPS directions. Look at a map and plan in your head your next three stops, and then run them in your head. Pay attention. If you don't know where the delivery point is pull up to a safe spot, walk into the business, and ask someone. "I'm new, where does your UPS guy usually deliver?"

You'll have it down in a day or two. And you have to have it down in a day or two because when you're a cover guy you have to


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I've got just about everything down besides how to navigate streets in an unfamiliar area. Anyone know any tricks, besides having maps in the package car with me?

Make note of landmarks. For instance, if Joe's Used Cars is on a corner, note which corner NSWE it is on and know what the street number of the place is that way you will have a baseline on where about the numbers are.
The MapNav softkey is your friend. When the DIAD is in the cradle it defaults to the GPS turn-by-turn directions with a 3D view. The checkered flag is the delivery point. Don’t let this become a crutch but it can help you when you’re trying to find the right driveway out in the boonies or the right dock at an industrial park.

When the DIAD is out of the cradle you’ll get a 2D overhead view. Residential stops are plain black squares. Business stops are black squares with a white silhouette of a high-rise office building. The little package car is you. It will draw a blue line to the stop you selected in EDD.

Since ODO is a fustercluck, this can help you see if there are other stops between your current location and your “next” stop. But it won’t tell you what those addresses are. That’s where good old-fashioned area knowledge comes into play.

Don’t overthink it. In your qualifying period it’s better to waste 0.1 miles than waste 1 minute.


I've got just about everything down besides how to navigate streets in an unfamiliar area. Anyone know any tricks, besides having maps in the package car with me?

I thought the MapNav was supposed to solve everything. Hell, our center doesn't even train new drivers anymore. Sups say "well he has the nav so there shouldn't be any problems." Then they get mad when said driver gets back at 9pm.