Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


Well-Known Member
There are no words in the Constitution that says "separation of church and state".

You are absolutely correct and good point but the writers of the Constitution went one even better.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

In other words, they can't bar it nor can they impose it. Thus in effect they separated religion from its legislative arm. Many states adopted similar language in their own Constitutions and this axiom became a principle of the enlightenment thought as a result of European monarchs who used the power of the State to create a national religion of which they controlled and were the head of. That history was understood by many founding fathers for the harm it creates for both state and religion and it was a history they cared not to repeat.
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Engorged Member

There are no words in the Constitution that says "separation of church and state". I believe that in this country, as true with all nations, even those that purport to be secular in nature, that the government reflects the will and values of the people. This country is nearly 80% Christian and a Christian value is to love the sinner and hate the sin. As a majority Christian nation it is perfectly natural to reject gay marriage due to the sin of homosexuality, while loving those who are homosexual by getting them the mental and spiritual help they so desperately need. There is no sin in handing non Christians a marriage license, but to hand a homosexual couple a marriage license is endorsing the sin the couple is participating in which is Kim Davis's objection for doing so.

Those same medical professions will tell you its perfectly normal for you to have sexual fantasies involving your own mother. Most of the world of psychology is based on voodoo science anyway dreamed up by a man high on cocaine. Kinda puts the entire profession into a not so professional light. Not to say they don't get a few things right, but in removing homosexuality as a mental disorder was one area they got it wrong.

What is it like living under a rock? The percentage of Christian citizens is down significantly and is nowhere near 80% anyway. And it continues to decline. WE ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION!! Freedom of religion protects us from folks like you that would love to create a Christian theocracy that controlled us like Bible Bots. "Thank God", we are protected from you and your ilk because we are all free to say "NO" to any religion.

The separation of church and state isn't going anywhere, and again, "Thank God" we have it to protect us from evangelical zealots like yourself who would control us according to whatever cherry-picked version of a Bible story you choose.

"Voodoo science"? The medical advances made and that continue to be discovered are amazing. The fact that you discount science tells me you are both ignorant and a fool. If you didn't have an Oedipal phase growing up, good for you, but that doesn't mean you're normal. Far from it. I suspect a shrink would have a field day with you.

Head back to your Bible.


Well-Known Member
To be perfectly blunt, comparing Rosa Parks to Kim Davis is intellectually ridiculous as well as being demeaning to African Americans in regards to their struggle for civil rights.

Rosa Parks was being dehumanized and treated as a second-class citizen by Jim Crow laws that forced her to sit in the back of the bus and give up her seat to a white man. Her act of civil disobedience carried with it not only the consequence of jail time, but the very real risk of beating or even death at the hands of racist police and the KKK. She did not have well-funded crowds of supporters or exposure to national media or the Internet. She had no expectation of fair treatment or due process of law. She did not have the right to vote and she had no allies in government service or positions of power. And she was not trying to force her religious beliefs upon others or deny anyone else equality under the law. All she wanted to do was sit down in a seat on a bus ride that she had paid for.

Kim Davis, on the other hand, is a religious bigot who wants to use her position as a government employee to deny basic rights to other people. Her salary is paid by tax dollars that are paid, in part, by the very people whose rights she is denying. No one is trying to force her to change her beliefs, she is only being told to do her job. And she has no fear of persecution, beatings or death during her time in jail. Unlike Rosa Parks, she holds the key to her own cell.

Its a perfect parallel to compare Rosa Parks to Kim Davis. The laws Rosa Parks was subject to were fundamentally wrong, just like the legalization of gay marriage without any respect to religious freedom. To Kim Davis, handing out a marriage license with her name on it to a homosexual couple is akin to signing her own ticket to hell. I know your advice then would be for her to quit, but she shouldn't have to choose between her livelihood and her religious beliefs which is a stance the government has taken on many other issues. Just as Rosa Parks should not have to give up a seat she occupied just because she was black and a man who wanted it was white Kim Davis should not have to violate her religious beliefs because a Rogue Supreme Court found a right in the 14th amendment that isn't really there.


Engorged Member
Its a perfect parallel to compare Rosa Parks to Kim Davis. The laws Rosa Parks was subject to were fundamentally wrong, just like the legalization of gay marriage without any respect to religious freedom. To Kim Davis, handing out a marriage license with her name on it to a homosexual couple is akin to signing her own ticket to hell. I know your advice then would be for her to quit, but she shouldn't have to choose between her livelihood and her religious beliefs which is a stance the government has taken on many other issues. Just as Rosa Parks should not have to give up a seat she occupied just because she was black and a man who wanted it was white Kim Davis should not have to violate her religious beliefs because a Rogue Supreme Court found a right in the 14th amendment that isn't really there.

"Rogue Supreme Court". LOFL. I'm guessing any SCOTUS that isn't pure conservative is "rogue". I can hardly wait until the 5/4 split goes the other way.

Hey!! Why aren't you at church? Posting on this forum Sunday morning is a SIN. So says my religion.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Kim Davis should not have to violate her religious beliefs because a Rogue Supreme Court found a right in the 14th amendment that isn't really there.

You mean the same "rogue" Supreme Court that rightfully upheld our Second Amendment rights in Heller vs DC and McDonald vs Chicago? Or is it only "rogue" when you personally don't agree with it?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its a perfect parallel to compare Rosa Parks to Kim Davis. The laws Rosa Parks was subject to were fundamentally wrong, just like the legalization of gay marriage without any respect to religious freedom. To Kim Davis, handing out a marriage license with her name on it to a homosexual couple is akin to signing her own ticket to hell. I know your advice then would be for her to quit, but she shouldn't have to choose between her livelihood and her religious beliefs which is a stance the government has taken on many other issues. Just as Rosa Parks should not have to give up a seat she occupied just because she was black and a man who wanted it was white Kim Davis should not have to violate her religious beliefs because a Rogue Supreme Court found a right in the 14th amendment that isn't really there.

This is why religion is on the way out in this country. Thoughts like these are dangerous. To make a comparision to Rosa Parks is silly at best, but the right wing will still try and do so.

Rosa Parks was subjected to WRITTEN LAWS of discrimination, in addition to other laws of discrimination that plagued this country.

Kim Davis is subjected to NOTHING. The law she is complaining about doesnt affect her in the least. While Rosa Parks was PHYSICALLY affected by discriminatory laws, Kim Davis is only affected by "interpretive thought".

The law allowing same sex marriages doesnt affect her personally, other than to say her "thoughts" are bothered, by some ancient story written in a book that has nothing to do with our government, our laws or our land.

Religious zealots will never impose their thought processes onto the rest of this country and if you believe that religion will dominate this country BRETT, then you are sadly mistaken.

Just because YOU dont think the 14th amendment grants EQUAL protection under the law to all citizens, that doesnt make YOU and all the other religious fanatics correct.

Kim Davis having a problem performing her governmental job because of a personal religious objection, is like an atheist signing up to teach sunday school.



Well-Known Member
Kim Davis was using her tax-payer funded position in government to impose her religious beliefs on others and deny them their rights.

Comparisons to Rosa Parks are absurd, as is your insistence that homosexuality is a mental illness - I think you are the one with a pathology.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who's wondering how long Rowan county, (the county she works for), will allow her to sit in jail before the county decides to begin the process of firing her for not being at work?

Also, is she still getting paid while she sits in jail? I would be pissed if I lived in that county and found out she is getting paid with my tax dollars to "practice her religious beliefs and study the bible" whilst on the taxpayer dime.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
As a majority Christian nation it is perfectly natural to reject gay marriage due to the sin of homosexuality

So as a majority Christian nation should we go ahead and stone to death every teenage girl who has sex while unmarried and living in her father's house? Should we require all women who are having a menstrual period to go sleep in the backyard for a week? Should we outlaw bacon, or make it illegal to wear cotton and wool at the same time? You can't have it both ways; either we take the Bible literally word for word, or we don't. What you are doing is cherry-picking whatever verses happen to justify your own prejudices while conveniently ignoring the ones that don't.


Well-Known Member
From an editorial by Noah Feldman:

It’s just fine -- in fact, I think it’s admirable -- for a public official to say that he or she won’t enforce any law that’s fundamentally immoral and in contradiction to God’s laws. But the only way to keep that promise consistent with the oath of office is for the official to resign when she thinks enforcing the law would be wrong. Given Davis’s statement of faith that it would violate her interpretation of God’s will to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, she should quit her position as county clerk. Indeed, she must -- or she’d be living in a position of hypocritical sin.

But by saying she won't issue the marriage licenses while serving in office, Davis is also, if I may humbly say so, committing a sin: violating an oath she made before God to uphold the Constitution and laws of the U.S. The Constitution requires her to issue licenses for gay couples. Every moment she disobeys the Constitution, she is violating her oath. The Bible doesn’t look kindly on oath-breaking. The only way for her to emerge from the state of sin is to resign.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Am I the only one who's wondering how long Rowan county, (the county she works for), will allow her to sit in jail before the county decides to begin the process of firing her for not being at work?

Also, is she still getting paid while she sits in jail? I would be :censored2: if I lived in that county and found out she is getting paid with my tax dollars to "practice her religious beliefs and study the bible" whilst on the taxpayer dime.

She cant be fired. She is an elected official.. Next year, in the next legislature, she can be impeached and removed from office.

I prefer, that she sit in jail and pray that Jesus will knock down a wall and restore her to her position as head bigot at the Kansas marriage license office.



golden ticket member
She cant be fired. She is an elected official.. Next year, in the next legislature, she can be impeached and removed from office.

I prefer, that she sit in jail and pray that Jesus will knock down a wall and restore her to her position as head bigot at the Kansas marriage license office.

Gee, you didn't mention that she ran as a Democrat. Why did you leave out that little tidbit of info?


Well-Known Member
So as a majority Christian nation should we go ahead and stone to death every teenage girl who has sex while unmarried and living in her father's house? Should we require all women who are having a menstrual period to go sleep in the backyard for a week? Should we outlaw bacon, or make it illegal to wear cotton and wool at the same time? You can't have it both ways; either we take the Bible literally word for word, or we don't. What you are doing is cherry-picking whatever verses happen to justify your own prejudices while conveniently ignoring the ones that don't.

There's the rub. There are christians who want to cherry pick or privilege some verses while ignoring many others. Many verses completely contradict one another.

There are good christians (not enough) who understand the history of how we got the texts, the surrounding cultural contexts and other events that answer many of the contradictions however this also undermines the entire idea of literalism and the absolutism of "this is the perfect word of god" idea. Thus these christians don't buy into this dogma and thus are able to bring the best of what christianity can offer to the table without the bronze age baggage that the literalists drag around like a millstone chained to their neck.


Well-Known Member
Rosa Parks in her action does nothing to deny anyone else the right to their free will.

Kim Davis in her action does everything to deny someone else the right to their free will.

Rosa Parks challenged a long held privilege where the State was used to grant special status to a privileged class of people.

Kim Davis was using the State in order to maintain a long held privilege used to grant special status to a privileged class of people.


Well-Known Member
You mean the same "rogue" Supreme Court that rightfully upheld our Second Amendment rights in Heller vs DC and McDonald vs Chicago? Or is it only "rogue" when you personally don't agree with it?

I support decisions by the Supreme Court when there is a valid constitutional reference to their final decision. Last I checked the words "gay marriage" never appear in the Constitution making the issue a state issue, not a federal one. Heller vs. DC was a no brainer as the words are written in black in white that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as a majority Christian nation should we go ahead and stone to death every teenage girl who has sex while unmarried and living in her father's house? Should we require all women who are having a menstrual period to go sleep in the backyard for a week? Should we outlaw bacon, or make it illegal to wear cotton and wool at the same time? You can't have it both ways; either we take the Bible literally word for word, or we don't. What you are doing is cherry-picking whatever verses happen to justify your own prejudices while conveniently ignoring the ones that don't.

This is a common misconception regarding modern Christianity. Christianity, as we now practice it, is based on the New Testament, while nearly everything you just highlighted are in the old testament. One consistency among both old testament and new testament teachings is that homosexuality is a sin. I know it hurts some people's feelings on this matter, but that is the truth. Some homosexual radicals are going as far to demand the church remove these writings from the bible altogether because it hurts their little brains to read that what they practice is viewed nearly on par with that of worshiping Satan, but that is for a whole other matter to discuss.

Now please note that in all my posts regarding this topic thus far I have not begun to preach about the "sin" of homosexuality. I have simply pointed out the flaws in the more mainstream outlook on why people are homosexual, and that Kim Davis is a victim of government overreach. The popular view is that homosexuality is genetic, and thus is not a choice making these people completely free to practice their perverted lifestyle in plain view of everyone. I am simply pointing out two things 1) there is no evidence that homosexuality is genetic making it most likely a mental illness 2)that Kim Davis, like Rosa Parks, is standing up for her beliefs and has gone to jail as a result. She is being forced to choose between her religious convictions or her livelihood which is really just persecuting Mrs. Davis for being Christian in the first place. That is not the ideals this country was founded upon.
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Its all good.
She cant be fired. She is an elected official.. Next year, in the next legislature, she can be impeached and removed from office.

I prefer, that she sit in jail and pray that Jesus will knock down a wall and restore her to her position as head bigot at the Kansas marriage license office.

Why would a Kentucky clerk be in a Kansas marriage license office?


Bad Moon Risen'
Gee, you didn't mention that she ran as a Democrat. Why did you leave out that little tidbit of info?
What difference does that make? Bigots have no lock on any one party.
Sheriff Clark runs as a democrat every election in Milwaukee County. His views are anything but liberal.