
eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I'm doing my training route as well. Will they pull this same BS to me if I'm a transfer from PT air driver qualifying for full time package driver? I'm in the union for a year before I transferred. Will I get the boot too if they're slow? My center hired off the street as there are many opening in that center. Will they qualify an off the street hire before me even though we're both qualified ?
The standard advice is to show up incredibly early to get your load sorted. Should be enough 'improvement' to warrant you staying after the 30. I know if you were on my pull. Two other drivers would be in your cab an hour early to make sure you can be an idiot and still run scratch. They don't want to have to stay late helping you out.



Stay away from the big word’s it make’s you look silly
why the apostrophe in "words" "makes" ....

OP, you are laid off because they don't need so many extra drivers. I know a few full-time drivers with several years seniority working inside the building right now.