
Well-Known Member
A Hermaphrodite has sex organs for both male and female, but cannot reproduce. They can identify as either.

Why is it that your side apparently cannot understand that it is absolutely possible to be gender misidentified? I actually know someone who was born female, but "knows" they are a male, and is having surgery and hormone treatments to become male. This is after many years of therapy and having to live as a "male" for a year as part of the process. Nobody is going to perform a sex change unless there is a lot of data supporting the fact that you're not just doing it on a whim.

This person has undergone a lot of psychological and physical pain for many years, and now finally feels they are a whole person. Make fun all you want, but "God" made some mistakes with some people in all of His perfection.

Get over trying to control the sexuality of others through guilt, religious doctrine, and/or your personal hang-ups about someone who isn't hetero like you.

I'm sorry to hear of your mental anguish


Well-Known Member
At least they will have company

god hates adults who put kids up to this?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Everyone is a child of God. Awareness is the problem. Hatred is when you get between a person and what he loves. Behavioral acts are always measured against objective moral norms.
When society decides to tolerate something, this toleration is bearing the evil patiently in order to prevent a greater evil. The prodigal son story is basically every persons reality.


Engorged Member
Good lord---have you looked around lately? Perfection my ass.

You miss the point entirely. Why did God "create" gays? As you said, they're "imperfect". Maybe God messed up, or maybe that's just how it is. We see homosexual animal behaviors and we are also animals, so it might not be as deviant as you think.

So, you, Newfie, and DIDO can all go out cruising for boys in your VW Rabbit Convertible.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Children are very impressionable.
Nutjob liberals telling boys they are girls and giving them hormones to block puberty should be criminal. It's disgraceful Democrats support that.

It’s disgraceful that some people paint all Democrats as being supportive of that.

At the same time, you can bet that trans children are of those issues that the Democratic Presidential candidates on a televised debate stage would all raise their hands in support of. Just like they all did when asked who supports free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

And that's exactly the problem. The Party is leaving its moderates behind.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
At the same time, you can bet that trans children are of those issues that the Democratic Presidential candidates on a televised debate stage would all raise their hands in support of. Just like they all did when asked who supports free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

And that's exactly the problem. The Party is leaving its moderates behind.
Exactly where do you think moderates fit in with the Republican Party?