
Bad Moon Risen'
Why it matters is it's being forced on the rest of us who don't care to be around it. No one is saying attack them, keep them out of housing, deny them work. But when businesses are ruined, owners fined because their religious beliefs don't matter then it matters. Only what gays want matters.
Kind of what many of us feel about religion itself. Keep it to yourselves and all is fine. Don't force your :censored2: on those who don't believe as you do.


Well-Known Member
Kind of what many of us feel about religion itself. Keep it to yourselves and all is fine. Don't force your * on those who don't believe as you do.
Doubtful anyone has forced their religion on you.

Keep supporting the democrats and I guarantee Muslims will dictate their religious beliefs on you though.


Well-Known Member
I’m pro choice, and no they shouldn’t stop them from having an abortion. In no way they’re prepared to have kids at that age. These things that the right cares about makes no sense. That is a personal choice and it’s not easy decision. Trust me.
Taking a human life is a choice?
Your avatar says science rules.
You understand the scientific definition of life?
Exactly what type of life does a human female carry?
You are a male homosexual, why should I trust you?
You have made the decision?


Strength through joy

“It is clear to us that our community needs and wants change without the involvement of Boston Pride. We have heard the concerns of the QTBIPOC community and others. We care too much to stand in the way,” the board of directors said. “We know many people care about Pride in Boston, and we encourage them to continue the work. By making the decision to close down, we hope new leaders will emerge from the community to lead the Pride movement in Boston.

WOW, they have outlived their usefulness.


nowhere special

“It is clear to us that our community needs and wants change without the involvement of Boston Pride. We have heard the concerns of the QTBIPOC community and others. We care too much to stand in the way,” the board of directors said. “We know many people care about Pride in Boston, and we encourage them to continue the work. By making the decision to close down, we hope new leaders will emerge from the community to lead the Pride movement in Boston.

WOW, they have outlived their usefulness.
QTBIPOC? Do they just keep adding more letters every time the mood strikes them?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

To Combat Transwoman Dominance Of Women's Sports, Olympics Adds Competitive Child Birthing

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I made it through the qualifying rounds of competitive weed whacker sprinting.

As I was cleaning up a overgrown fence line and the bald face hornet nest was the starter pistol.

I asked the family if I actually was running fast or did it look like a fat old guy spinning his wheels.

Only 3 got me. Funny as hell after the adrenaline wore off.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American