you drive with packages in the cab? you leave the bulk open? you don't use the parking break?
one thing if you have an envelope in your hand as you try to locate an address, another when you have boxes in the front of your cube! leaving the bulk open is just stupid, while you and your package car may stop, the 100 lb box will continue to go 100km/hr. not to mention the stupidity of leaving it open along with the side doors while at a business/mall/apartment stop. lack of parking break is just sheer defiance, in driving training, you're programmed to be in the habit of reaching down with your left hand to grab the brake while shifting into park with your right (if you're privilieged enough for an auto), then unbuckling your seatbelt with the left while turning off the ignition with the right.
not using hand rails is a stretch, maybe subject to feedback, but not being "busted". regardless, you're paid big bucks, may as well do as you're told. failure to leave boxes in the back, use parking break or secure bulk door is worth a "busting"