Management Surveys


Package Center Manager
As a fellow employee, I can empathize but Employees are no longer at the top since going public.
In publicly traded companies, the Shareowners are at the top, then the Company and then usually the Employees and then probably the Community.
That is just the nature of this type of organization ... my observations indicate that UPS is fairly typical in this respect.
The relationship between the employees and that thing called "the Company" does change when going from a private company to a publicly traded corporation.
The sooner that an individual understands that and then accepts it, the easier life will be for them. This process is called change management and consultants make a lot of money going around to companies and holding workshops on this.

Hoaxster, great post. I think, no let me rephrase. I know I could improve employee morale, reduce grievences, make a profit and run it the UPS way if they would just let me manage at my level (boots on the ground).


ERI = Employee Relations Index. It hasn't been done company wide for the past three years. I doubt we'll see it again. There is a new survey, but it's only taken by a sampling of people from each classification. It's not used as a whipping tool for management anymore and there's no reporting at the center or division level. You manager doesn't care what you say on it, if you're chosen to take it.

At 10 minutes per person it would take about 70,000 hours to administer if 400,000 people took it.

After reading Eri posts here for years where posters admitted they purposely selected strongly disagree on everything regardless of the question, I can't imagine why the company would want to waste anymore money on the eri.