Maybe 9/11 was an inside job?


Well-Known Member
Bomb them/invite them is the globalist elite strategy. The two are inseparable. They reign terror on the world and invite the third world in to replace us.

Netsua 3:16

Why would I be in church?
Try to make sense child.
-it’s Sunday morning
-you’re a card carrying conservative
-I just read a post where you denounced abortion
If you’re not in church I bet you’re at home down south watching pat Robertson reruns, eating a pan of grease and downloading 8Chan memes as we speak 😂
When you make yourself ALWAYS conservative, ALWAYS in favor of conservative and NEVER on the side of your democrat brothers; you sign up to win stupid ass prizes

Netsua 3:16

If you need religion in order to be opposed to murder, then I suggest you find a church to join.
Believing abortion to be murder is largely, BIGLEY a conservative value; always has been.
I hope you are taking notes so you don’t get surprised with this mind blowing info out there in the real world

Netsua 3:16

And you are a hard line left winger.
You need to come to terms with that reality.
This just simply isn’t true. I am a moderate with a specific disdain for divisive conservative antics. People straight up falling for propaganda; then AMAZINGLY projecting THAT onto everybody else!
Like, you go on all these conservative sites and get your information from them, then KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY adhere to ONLY CONSERVATIVE viewpoints. Then out of the other side of your mouth; talk about how others are INFLUENCED AND BRAINWASHED!!! 😂😂😂😂
Dude. It’s so entertaining, shocking, all encompassing fascinating behavior.
You are exhibit A. YOU. Are exhibit A of the brainwashed divisive behavior/interaction that is the source of ALL of our problems: such as who we allow run for office.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that Alphabet was responsible, just explaining the basis for believing it was possible they were.
we have to get past the event. only 3000 ppl died. it was sensationalist no doubt, but we have ot get past the superficial matrix of it.

probably part of the reason it was such a big deal was firstly they wanted an excuse to go to war with countries which had nothing to do with it which they did. but then im also thinking it was a big deal because it was the business class that was mainly affected. plus they needed a new boogeyman to replace the soviet union, but i see theyve started a new cold war anyways.

Netsua 3:16

Not a single person here believes that.
A) who cares?
B) I can understand how my beliefs could be misconstrued given how much time I spend vehemently chastising the red presence on this board. I get that. I invite that, sall good
C) Not EVERYONE here is a crazy conservative; just MOST of you here on Current Events

Poop Head

Judge me.
You know, you keep saying this, and while I don’t have any specific “defense;” I must say, that’s an extremely irresponsible way to view the world, and your society.
You act like every single thing that’s ever been done is the result of a lie.
You act like we should decline what is deemed as reasonable information and resources
simply because the government, the cia, these big entities lie to us.
It’s a very slippery slope. And what a way to live.
Its basic self preservation instinct. Question everything. Doing something, like getting a series of experimental injections, just because someone told you to, seems pretty irresponsible. What a way to live.