Maybe 9/11 was an inside job?


Well-Known Member
Piss on your god. Worthless tribal cult gone global.

Finally you are admitting your religion of secular humanism. Man is God. Guess what? You are part of a cult. Regardless of whether you want to throw the term cult around doesn’t matter. Religion is religion and no one has a right to stuff/force anyone else’s religion or religious practices down anyone’s throat in the name science or anything else. The problem with your cult is that your religion has become the state religion (merger of church and state) and is encroaching on everyone’s first amendment right which is more than just freedom of speech.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Just got back from mass. Took my two littlest ones. Today we are chopping the head off of a chicken, or rather, a rooster, and smashing grapes off our vines for some jelly making. Don’t have time for games.
Does the jelly turn into the blood of Jesus when you eat it or does the mystery only take place when the grapes are in juice form?


Well-Known Member
Does the jelly turn into the blood of Jesus when you eat it or does the mystery only take place when the grapes are in juice form?
I’m not a consecrated priest who can directly trace back their line of succession from Jesus Christ Himself unlike any bastard Protestant sect who has no attachment to the faith at all; haha!!


in communist Russia, communists murdered a beautiful family in a basement, doing it one by one until the last child, alexei, was the last one. Made to watch the whole thing. Then came the murder of bishops, priests, and subsequent oppression of all Russian orthodox.

in Franco’s Spain, communist partisans were raping nuns and murdering priests. The partisans were known to dig up the bodies of nuns and priests who had passed on to the next life and hang them up in the piazzas for other partisans to spit upon and deface.

After the fall of the third reich, the Russians and poles went on a mass rape of German women and fathered a whole nation of bastard children. The United States firebombed whole villages of innocent German people. War crimes galore, but no one talks about it, because the winners write the books.

the world is an evil place, man. Thank God for Christ who has won the eternal victory, and our hope in Him can never be taken from us.
Yea but im talking about how religion is perverted.

Its dangerous to view man as anything other than both good and evil.

The struggle for justice doesnt end.

I wouldnt put hope in jesus to bring about justice but we can understand that we too will be crucified like him should we rebel against power enough


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’m not a consecrated priest who can directly trace back their line of succession from Jesus Christ Himself unlike any bastard Protestant sect who has no attachment to the faith at all; haha!!
So a "consecrated priest" could turn grape jelly into the blood of Christ?


Well-Known Member
"Consecrated prints" can get away with anything, including child abuse. Most hardcore Catholic zealots don't care.
Dude, are you simple? All of the abusers are the same men in the church pushing for communion for unrepentant homosexuals and the divorced and remarried. Our seminary’s are basically homosexual hook up spots. They call the one in Maryland the “pink palace.” We have been completely infiltrated by Freemasons and communists who have completely remade their church in their own image. They destroyed our liturgy and most Catholics are as useless as brownflush over here thinking it’s okay to use birth control and that the real presence isn’t a thing.


Well-Known Member
In actual Catholic times, a priest found to be doing these abuses wouldn’t be even handed to the authorities before undergoing his punishment from the Church. There was a protocol followed in a lot of countries, where the priests hands would be skinned off to symbolize he was never allowed to touch the body of Our Lord again, then he’d have his tongue cut out most likely, dragged through the streets for the locals to see, and given to the state after it wrapped up. I saw McCarrick walking into court just this weekend and it boggles my mind how he’s even still alive. We live in such a terrible time.


Well-Known Member
Yea but im talking about how religion is perverted.

Its dangerous to view man as anything other than both good and evil.

The struggle for justice doesnt end.

I wouldnt put hope in jesus to bring about justice but we can understand that we too will be crucified like him should we rebel against power enough

I think you might be missing the whole point of Christianity. Jesus promised eternal life after death so that his followers would hold no fear of death because they believe in a better place in the hereafter where they can never be hurt ever again. It was this faith that almost brought down the pagan Roman Empire. They couldn’t throw enough Christians to the lions in the Roman Circus and more would spring up 10 fold. See the pagan state religion was based in fear and that’s how the Roman Empire kept control of the people. The Roman Empire would have fallen if it weren’t for the sun worshipping Constantine who came along with his so called vision of a cross in the sky and made Christianity the state religion and amalgamating it with pagan sun worship. That’s why modern day church services are held on “Sun”day instead of the Saturday, the sabbath. At that point the Roman Emperor became the Pope and the pantheon of Gods became the pantheon of saints. This is why Paul said the Mystery of Iniquity was already at work at the time he wrote that. Christianity was already in the process of being perverted after Jesus’s death. John talked about it too in Revelation in that he said paraphrasing the death of Christianity would be the lack of evangelism as it was in the beginning.

If you want to learn more of what John is talking about in actual detail.

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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The falling away from the church into Roman Catholicism was an inside job( trying to stay on topic with the thread) from Satan, and millions will be lost in eternal Hell because of it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, the Catholic Church was obvious just a Constantine inside job. It was so sad what they did to the Southern Baptists. They did such a good job that there are not even a single Southern Baptist writing from 33AD-300. Pastor Jim and Pastor Bob died heroic deaths defending the true faith, and the King James Bible, from being destroyed. Thankfully God saw it fit to allow a fat murderous fornicator who founded his religion on wanting to have sex with women not his wife the shot to reclaim the true faith in England many years later.
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