Maybe 9/11 was an inside job?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha Protestant religions always get founded by some fat loser schmuck. It’s some sort of requirement. Our fat guys on the other hand are epic and based. St Thomas Aquinas took Aristotle and made him Catholic and basically formed the complete theological understanding of Christianity as we understand it today.


Well-Known Member
To get back on topic, did you know there is strong evidence that actual birthday of Jesus Christ is September 11, 3 BC in the evening about 7 PM? Can’t imagine why our luciferian secular humanist rulers would pick that day to establish the beginning of their New World Order. Were they symbolically demolishing the age of Pieces and like a Masonic Phoenix rising from the ashes built the One World Trade Center to symbolize the new age of Aquarius. The end of the old world order and the establishment of the new. Don’t forget, our founders, also masons, called this the New World. It was also called the great experiment to see if man was wise enough to rule himself and not submit back into slavery or serfdom aka socialism.

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The Driver

I drive.
To get back on topic, did you know there is strong evidence that actual birthday of Jesus Christ is September 11, 3 BC in the evening about 7 PM? Can’t imagine why our luciferian secular humanist rulers would pick that day to establish the beginning of their New World Order. Were they symbolically demolishing the age of Pieces and like a Masonic Phoenix rising from the ashes built the One World Trade Center to symbolize the new age of Aquarius. The end of the old world order and the establishment of the new. Don’t forget, our founders, also masons, called this the New World. It was also called the great experiment to see if man was wise enough to rule himself and not submit back into slavery or serfdom aka socialism.

The beginning of the new world order was the end of the Soviet Union. America dominated.


To get back on topic, did you know there is strong evidence that actual birthday of Jesus Christ is September 11, 3 BC in the evening about 7 PM? Can’t imagine why our luciferian secular humanist rulers would pick that day to establish the beginning of their New World Order. Were they symbolically demolishing the age of Pieces and like a Masonic Phoenix rising from the ashes built the One World Trade Center to symbolize the new age of Aquarius. The end of the old world order and the establishment of the new. Don’t forget, our founders, also masons, called this the New World. It was also called the great experiment to see if man was wise enough to rule himself and not submit back into slavery or serfdom aka socialism.

Finally! Someone who gets it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I think you might be missing the whole point of Christianity. Jesus promised eternal life after death so that his followers would hold no fear of death because they believe in a better place in the hereafter where they can never be hurt ever again. It was this faith that almost brought down the pagan Roman Empire. They couldn’t throw enough Christians to the lions in the Roman Circus and more would spring up 10 fold. See the pagan state religion was based in fear and that’s how the Roman Empire kept control of the people. The Roman Empire would have fallen if it weren’t for the sun worshipping Constantine who came along with his so called vision of a cross in the sky and made Christianity the state religion and amalgamating it with pagan sun worship. That’s why modern day church services are held on “Sun”day instead of the Saturday, the sabbath. At that point the Roman Emperor became the Pope and the pantheon of Gods became the pantheon of saints. This is why Paul said the Mystery of Iniquity was already at work at the time he wrote that. Christianity was already in the process of being perverted after Jesus’s death. John talked about it too in Revelation in that he said paraphrasing the death of Christianity would be the lack of evangelism as it was in the beginning.

If you want to learn more of what John is talking about in actual detail.

heaven and hell is here and now not in the afterlife.

im not sure about the rest of what you were syaing.


Well-Known Member
heaven and hell is here and now not in the afterlife.

im not sure about the rest of what you were syaing.

That sounds like a secular humanistic belief in the sense of atheism in you must believe then that this life is it and then nothing else. That sure is not a Christian belief.

The Driver

I drive.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a secular humanistic belief in the sense of atheism in you must believe then that this life is it and then nothing else. That sure is not a Christian belief.
im quoting joe campbell who researched alot of religions and myths and came up with the mono myth.


Well-Known Member
lol Russia is nothing compared to the threat of the Soviet empire. We have them contained
they collapsed in the 1990s i think.

america has them surrounded. its like having soviets in mexico or canada. its a joke and against hte verbal agreement which was not one inch east of berlin.


Well-Known Member
they collapsed in the 1990s i think.

america has them surrounded. its like having soviets in mexico or canada. its a joke and against hte verbal agreement which was not one inch east of berlin.

Oh they didn’t collapse. I’d read, listen and pay close attention. This is why China has us over a barrel as well with the majority of our goods coming from there.



Well-Known Member
Oh they didn’t collapse. I’d read, listen and pay close attention. This is why China has us over a barrel as well with the majority of our goods coming from there.

no because you let corporations export jobs to 3rd world dictatorships like china. they have powerful economy now. they still call themselves communist but id get analysis about how communist they are; american workers still have a higher standard of living thank god.

the russians collapsed and america installed their candidate but then it sounds like you lost control.