Michigan expected to repeal state's right to work law.


Well-Known Member
Dues have nothing to do with insurance. The company writes that check.

The union in these rtw states needs to find legal ways to make not joining less attractive. Perhaps non union surcharges on Teamcare? Are these workers in Teamcare?
Dues allow the negotiations to negotiate the zero insurance fee.

So while dues don’t pay your insurance, I’d gladly keep paying the dues to keep my me from paying $75/week for insurance alone.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Dues allow the negotiations to negotiate the zero insurance fee.

So while dues don’t pay your insurance, I’d gladly keep paying the dues to keep my me from paying $75/week for insurance alone.
Wonder if thry could still negotiate at half the current dues?


For those who pay that much, that's about 1.4% annually by calculating it against their base 40 hour weekly guarantee alone.

Factor in overtime and it is much less.

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me for all the contractually negotiated benefits and protections that come with that minimal cost?

It is absolutely surprising and extremely shameful that any bargaining unit employee would feel justified in being a freeloading non-payer, let alone a top scale employee who's annual dues rate is likely less than 1% of their annual gross.
What's the % against their annual net.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
No it's not fair that part time jobs exist at a union workplace. We need to phase them out of existence.

Sadly some people just don't have the work ethic to even want a full time job.
Something we agree on. The Teamsters and UPS should phase out all PT Union members and create all FT jobs paying at least top driver rate.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
No it's not fair that part time jobs exist at a union workplace. We need to phase them out of existence.

Sadly some people just don't have the work ethic to even want a full time job.

The simple fact is most of our jobs at UPS were designed for physical and mental attrition, what are the percentages for a new start to make it till retirement? Most do not even last a month let alone the 5 years to become vested in a pension that pays peanuts till one hits the magic number: 30 years and age 55.

Just wait till ones retires and see what kind of work environment we where in. (Boiled 🐸) .. just look at our Union Members who have worked past 30..they are like zombies..capable of doing their assigned tasks but just waiting for someone or something to pull the plug..

There is no loyalty or respect from both sides. This was not the case before we all became a human resource. As long as our Union just does the bare minimum and fights for your job which no one wants anyway but fails to address the root causes, we are just watching a dog and pony show every 5 years…Different names but the same results.

Our management folk will continue to lose any chance of advancement, redundant positions are being eliminated… their pensions frozen… health benefits cut to the bone…They are paying the cost of their previous generation who were able to become millionaires at the operational levels. Simply not a good bargaining chip when you ask for more concessions from the Union.


Well-Known Member
The simple fact is most of our jobs at UPS were designed for physical and mental attrition, what are the percentages for a new start to make it till retirement? Most do not even last a month let alone the 5 years to become vested in a pension that pays peanuts till one hits the magic number: 30 years and age 55.

Just wait till ones retires and see what kind of work environment we where in. (Boiled 🐸) .. just look at our Union Members who have worked past 30..they are like zombies..capable of doing their assigned tasks but just waiting for someone or something to pull the plug..

There is no loyalty or respect from both sides. This was not the case before we all became a human resource. As long as our Union just does the bare minimum and fights for your job which no one wants anyway but fails to address the root causes, we are just watching a dog and pony show every 5 years…Different names but the same results.

Our management folk will continue to lose any chance of advancement, redundant positions are being eliminated… their pensions frozen… health benefits cut to the bone…They are paying the cost of their previous generation who were able to become millionaires at the operational levels. Simply not a good bargaining chip when you ask for more concessions from the Union.
About this previous "loyalty and respect"......

Around here, it was ALWAYS us vs. them. Still is.

Made crystal clear @ the strike of 1997.

BTW, a lot of people who worked ANYWHERE 30 years and are 50's-70's look like zombies. Wife is a secretary at a middle school....you should see those folks....

BTW, when were we NOT a human resource at UPS?

Management by threat is how we got here today.

That million dollar carrot was the only hope mgt ever had. And they did WHATEVER IT TOOK to bludgeon productivity(therefore bonuses and stock) out of the hourlies.

I submit the company forever changed when it went public and the strike of 1997.

Coupled with hired gun CEO's......this is where we are today.

It was always mgt promoted from within. Hourlies to the dark side.....selling their souls......to use and employ the same techniques that were used against them. Better to do the abuse than be abused......although a same kind of hell awaited them on the other side......just no safety strap(union).
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Well-Known Member
No it's not fair that part time jobs exist at a union workplace. We need to phase them out of existence.

Sadly some people just don't have the work ethic to even want a full time job.
There is a business to run. Yes?

What makes it unfair to have part-timers? Just because a union company? Serious question.

Work ethic and full time jobs.....one and the same?

Example: I started part-time. I was going to college so that worked out great. I was offered full-time. Great with all that means. Except......it set my college back YEARS. I worked as hard in both scenarios. So, depending......that sword cuts both ways. In school I loaded up on class hours. Full-time, I loaded up on work hours. What are you trying to do?

If you are here for the benefits.....doesn't mean you are lazy. MOF, far from it.


Inordinately Right
There is a business to run. Yes?

What makes it unfair to have part-timers? Just because a union company? Serious question.

Work ethic and full time jobs.....one and the same?

Example: I started part-time. I was going to college so that worked out great. I was offered full-time. Great with all that means. Except......it set my college back YEARS. I worked as hard in both scenarios. So, depending......that sword cuts both ways. In school I loaded up on class hours. Full-time, I loaded up on work hours. What are you trying to do?

If you are here for the benefits.....doesn't mean you are lazy. MOF, far from it.
If you want a part time job go work at McDonald's.


Well-Known Member
I pay the same amount of Union dues a month as a FT member with half the guaranteed hours. And you think this is fair?
I don't.

My wife makes $25 and hour and works right around 3.5 hours per day. Her union dues take a pretty big chuck out of her paycheck while mine (at 55-60 hours) I hardly notice. I do think a PT member making $30 per hour should pay more dues than one making $15, but they shouldn't be paying as much as someone making $140k a year.


Well-Known Member
What's the % against their annual net.
Just for kicks (this is net in regards to gross minus taxes - no retirement deductions included).

Mine for 2022. 1.14% (of net)
My wife (who is part time) for 2022. 3.46% (of net)

She payed 25% less union dues than me but makes 37% less than me per hour.