nope its non of the above.. one of my customers has a big mail order business..he gets a check back from ups at the end of each month based on how much he ships, I talked with him the other day and he told me that he started using fed x for a while and when ups tried to get him to come back that was part of the deal.. it has nothing to do with a scam or a email..thanks!!
Blkcloud, What you are describing is an incentive the customer has with UPS. I'd say about 15-20 years ago, no shipper had any reduction in their rates. Everyone, weather you shipped one pkg once, or you shipped millions of pkgs a year, paid the same rate period. Now, most every shipper who ships any quantity gets a discount off of the published rates. Some customers get a small discount off their rates, others larger. The discount is usually related to how much volume you give UPS, what % of your shipping this is, and most importantly of all, is how profitable those pkgs are to UPS. The more profit we make, the more we can give you as an incentive. Now, for the money back part. Some shippers have as part of their incentive, a rebate, that they get if they ship enough pkgs. It's a win win, most customers like to get the check at the end of the month. Also, UPS likes it since if the customer doesn't ship enough to qualify we don't pay the incentive\rebate. If the entire incentive was on their upfront discount, then when the customer doesn't ship enough, UPS is out money since it gave this discount it really shouldn't have.