More gloom and doom..CS is tanking


Well-Known Member
That is the problem with it, that when the link of a properly managed fund is broken, it is hard to recapture lost monies, which turns it closer to a Ponzi scheme the more links that are broken. In a properly run pension fund, no incoming monies would be needed to fund the retirees.
Indeed. But a pension is never a Ponzi scheme as even a troubled plan must invest assets. Once again policing the "properly managed" aspect is up to the participants, who get to vote for their leaders, who get yearly statements on each plan and then who throw away the info without opening the letters. Then they don't go to their locals meetings so no questions are asked as to performance, no trustees are ever questioned and seldom are any trustees voted out of office even if their plans have poor performance.
Instead the guys left trying to solve todays problem caused by yesterdays apathy, are vilified. Perfectly logical in todays 'lets blame the union' world.


Got the T-Shirt
Maybe, you missed that part. It happens.



Now, don't get all hissy on this part.

I'm not a snake, or a female.

I, truly DO care what's going to happen to future/current/past retirees that this is/could, SEVERLY impact.

Any "stand up" Teamster, would feel the same way.

I am, truly, indignant that these pension "leaders" have MISMANAGED, yes, MISMANAGED, this account for so many yrs.

Are there "named" individuals.... you are pointing the finger at ??

Why keep contributing to our pensions when half the people here admit that they may not exist in the future. Give us the money

Another not ready for prime time player steps up.


The Milkman

Well-Known Member
This cutting of the pensions for us old broken down retired guys is only a foot in the door of things to come. Eventually all pensions will go the way of the dinosaur. Most everything the old time Union workers had fought for and even died for and is enjoyed by those working today(vacations, excellent pay, insurance, seniority, etc.) will slowly be eaten away (its already started from what I read on here) until working at UPS is no different than working at any other low pay no benefits job. The only way to reverse this trend is to become united and stand up for what is rightfully yours. If the company was losing money or even had a so-called bad quarter things might need to be re-negotiated but that is not the case now.

Very well said!


Satellite driver in NE Oklahoma. 31 Years service.Recieved letter Saturday and unable to get straight answer from Local or Company on how this will affect UPS drivers. Both said they have not had "meeting" on how to handle questions. Am fairly sure company has guaranteed CS portion of our retirement in case CS goes belly up but as pointed out in previous post this could be negotiated out in a future contract.


nowhere special
I got the letter today. The conference call is tomorrow but looks like there won't be much new information then. No decisions will be made until later this summer and no pension changes before 2016. I do expect to get screwed eventually but the only question is how soon and how bad.


Nine Lives
Find out more tomorrow:

Town Hall Meeting Calls

1-877-327-9495 passcode 111566

Retirees: April 14th 5 pm Central

Active: April 14th 8 pm Central


I got my letter this am in the mail, but had the website address already. I pulled up a TDU letter from Apr 10 2009 and according to it if you retired between Jan 1 2008 and July 31 2013 your pension is guaranteed by UPS. I had back surgery in 2008 and retired in Nov 2008 so I don't know if there is anything in the new contract language that says anything different! Guess we can just keep our fingers crossed or file a class action lawsuit against UPS if we lose our pensions!


nowhere special
Naked posting again? He should really wear some pants.