Necro's old things


Well-Known Member
What is this?
1960 Cadillac convertible.


golden ticket member
Contnental was my "dream car" . There was a Bill Blass edition and it was navy blue.....

So fitting for the yacht club, lovey!!

1979 Continental Mark V Bill Blass Edition


Well-Known Member
Ahhh A Necro loves this.
Babe Ruth's car was just bought by a Texan necro, er collector.
The car is in pristine shape with original interior and car color — “I call it Yankee blue,” Shelton said.
The speedometer reaches 110 miles per hour.
The radio works and takes about 15 minutes to warm up glass tubes used in that era.
The doors and windows work by hydraulics. The steering wheel is huge by today’s standards.
The 1948 Lincoln Continental was the last V12-engined car to ever be made by a major U.S. automaker.



golden ticket member
I had a bumper sticker on my Western Flyer bike that read....."Don't buy O'Sullivan Heels....made by strike breakers". Funny the things we remember from our childhood.

I had a cigar box (remember those handy things?) full of political and union buttons
Pete Bommarito for URW president.....I Like Ike !......Adlai Stevenson.

The buttons are the same construction today. Good design is timeless!


golden ticket member
We also had Ohio sales tax stamps. We saved them and gave them to the Catholic churches & schools. We had to bundle the like amounts.....