New hire driver assistant - 1 week later 'corrected' my pay rate to lower rate


New Member
I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.
Tell all of your friends. Maybe UPS will have to change if word is widely circulated among the public that this happens to their seasonal workers all the time.

Seymour Packages

Well-Known Member
I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.
If you had gone to the other location, the higher pay rate would be where you are now. If UPS ever changes its name, it will be called Bait & Switch Delivery Agency. This company looks for every opportunity to screw its seniority drivers, what makes you think they wouldn't double screw a seasonal employee? Welcome to UPS, scum from the top to the bottom. Happy holidays!

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.


I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.

Looks like they bamboozled another one


Well-Known Member
Call your states department of labor and file a complaint. You now have proof the rate you were hired under.
YOU MUST at minimum be paid that rate for the hours worked so far. From there it’s up to you continuing or not.

Contract sets minimum rates.


Legio patria nostra
Your choices are to go to the other location; stay and get on with it; quit. There's probably some "fine print" that you acknowledged that says the rate is not guaranteed...


New Member
Call your states department of labor and file a complaint. You now have proof the rate you were hired under.
YOU MUST at minimum be paid that rate for the hours worked so far. From there it’s up to you continuing or not.

Contract sets minimum rates.
Thank you for the real advice. I went to the union first but its the weekend and I haven't heard back yet. I will be taking this as far as it goes and the labor department and fight to get my extra pittance for the work I have already done. Just unbelievable how this company in the first week tries to degrade you. Not letting it happen


New Member
Tell all of your friends. Maybe UPS will have to change if word is widely circulated among the public that this happens to their seasonal workers all the time.
Already done. I will be spreading it far and wide. I know several people close to me who applied, have been hired, or looking for seasonal work. Needless to say someone needs to warn them they are being lied to about the pay rate and better they found out sooner than I did.
I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very upset.
Your local teamsters hall will not help you because you aren't in the union.


Well-Known Member
I applied for a job with UPS the week before Thanksgiving. Had an interview that Monday hired and completed my paperwork and training. I was hired at a rate of $18.00 an hour. Today after working for 6 days in a row, I received a message from my dispatcher that said the following:

'Greetings. Due to misinformation, the 14.50 IS the correct helper rate. The 18.00 rate was for _____(different location). We apologize for any inconvenience.'

'We hope that you continue to work for our center, however, _____ (different location) will welcome you if you want to transfer. Please contact Human resources at *number*'

I contacted HR and she confirmed this and that there was nothing she could do about it. I received the number for the local teamsters but have not been able to talk to someone yet.

Is there anything else I can do? I live an hour and a half from the other center so traveling is not feasible. I quit my other job because of the pay-rate and what I assumed would be near full-time hours. I am getting 4 hours a week and at reduced pay for what I signed on for. This is beyond dishonest. I have never been treated by a company like this before and I am very


Well-Known Member
Tell all of your friends. Maybe UPS will have to change if word is widely circulated among the public that this happens to their seasonal workers all the time.
Year after year after year after year. Also like how they hold interviews for helper jobs right up until Xmas eve, come on man...
I think Seasonals are still employees just not promised to have a job after Peak is officially over. PVD's I think are more like a contract worker for the Season. Correct me if I am wrong.
I always figured they are temporary employees and not entitled to any union protection. Just like on some days they have too many people they get sent home before the union guaranteed amount of hours.