Newbie Driver Helper: lower back pain


hi, i just finished my first day as a driver helper. it was tough! my lower back hurts and i am wondering what did i do wrong? i know back safe, etc. and i did all that yet there is a sharp pain in my lower back.

hopefully this is something that will go away as i was perhaps too energetic in wanting to "prove myself". :crying:

any tips on dealing with back pain? how to avoid?

also, any tips on going from seasonal to getting hired regular part time?

thank you so much!

ms. piggie


Well-Known Member
hi, i just finished my first day as a driver helper. it was tough! my lower back hurts and i am wondering what did i do wrong? i know back safe, etc. and i did all that yet there is a sharp pain in my lower back.

hopefully this is something that will go away as i was perhaps too energetic in wanting to "prove myself". :crying:

any tips on dealing with back pain? how to avoid?

also, any tips on going from seasonal to getting hired regular part time?

thank you so much!

ms. piggie
Hey Ms. Piggie,
Your lower back pain is very common. Just ignore it and it'll go away. I recommend taking 6 or 7 tylenols during the day or if that doesn't help maybe buy some oxy off of a local street dealer. I think street prices will run you around $10 a pill but it's worth it. Let me know if you have anymore questions.


P.S. I heard this joke once about Kermit's finger; is it true?


Well-Known Member
Wait until you wake up tomorrow morning. Every muscle your body will ache. Take plenty of Advil with you to work. Good luck. And talk to management about getting on after Christmas as a part-timer. Might not be a problem if your center is big enough.


Wait until you wake up tomorrow morning. Every muscle your body will ache. Take plenty of Advil with you to work. Good luck. And talk to management about getting on after Christmas as a part-timer. Might not be a problem if your center is big enough.

thank you for the good advice! :) i really appreciate it and i will buy the advil.

have a good night- ms. piggie


Well-Known Member
While its often overlooked, your shoes have a direct impact on your lower
Other tips, hot shower in the morning then stretch(or stretch in the shower)
While starting up work, after 15-20 minutes of work(or when you feel warmed up) stretch again.
Upon going home, shower & stretch again, don't just plop on the couch and pass out(its tempting I know)


While its often overlooked, your shoes have a direct impact on your lower
Other tips, hot shower in the morning then stretch(or stretch in the shower)
While starting up work, after 15-20 minutes of work(or when you feel warmed up) stretch again.
Upon going home, shower & stretch again, don't just plop on the couch and pass out(its tempting I know)
thank you for the shoe and stretching/hot shower tips. my shoes are not good; my feet hurt after just 4 hrs. i am going to look for proper footwear tomorrow.

- miss piggie


Wait until you wake up tomorrow morning. Every muscle your body will ache. Take plenty of Advil with you to work. Good luck. And talk to management about getting on after Christmas as a part-timer. Might not be a problem if your center is big enough.
thank you so much. i am off to get some advil!


Well-Known Member
My back used to hurt all the time, and I finally figured it out that it was a result from my mattress being to soft. My wife and I got a Select Comfort, (I know you all know what those are, I deliver about 2 a month) and ever since that, my back has been good. After I figured it was my mattress that was too soft, I slept on the floor for about 3 days, before my wife told me that was it, and we went out and got the new bed.


My back used to hurt all the time, and I finally figured it out that it was a result from my mattress being to soft. My wife and I got a Select Comfort, (I know you all know what those are, I deliver about 2 a month) and ever since that, my back has been good. After I figured it was my mattress that was too soft, I slept on the floor for about 3 days, before my wife told me that was it, and we went out and got the new bed.
thank you. very good advice! i appreciate it.

ms. piggie


Senior Member
any personal favs? brand? thanks. have a good weekend!

ms. piggie
Rockies, you can buy them on Ebay for 50% less than retail. Lift with your legs never your back. Never lean over to pick anything up, no matter what the weight. Advil is great, but it can mask the pain that tells you are doing something wrong. If it is only muscle pain, it will go away through developing the muscles you are using. Over use of Advil is bad on your kidneys. Drink plenty of fluids. Ankle support shoes are a good option.


Rockies, you can buy them on Ebay for 50% less than retail. Lift with your legs never your back. Never lean over to pick anything up, no matter what the weight. Advil is great, but it can mask the pain that tells you are doing something wrong. If it is only muscle pain, it will go away through developing the muscles you are using. Over use of Advil is bad on your kidneys. Drink plenty of fluids. Ankle support shoes are a good option.
thank you for providing me with the brand name and the ebay suggestion. all your tips are very helpful. THANKS!

ms. piggie