dannyboy said:Is it just me, or is the constant noise that we have to put up with in the cab causing the hearing to diminish?
It would be such a cheap fix to make the cars much quieter.
dannyboy said:And what is your point there susie sweetie? To try and discredit me or the subject?
Why can you not focus on the subject matter instead of personality issues. That is all you seem to want to accomplish here. I have yet to see you post with any real knowledge of UPS past what you can gleen from websites. But yet you seem to have all the answers......well maybe at least you can link to all the answers........well, Ok only if they are in the wilkopedia.
As to OSHA, I have delt with them in the past on several different issues and levels. They dont care what you think, all they care about is hard data that you can show them. Of course if they asked ups, what type of data do you think they would get?
So either become a solution to the problem or remain part of the problem.
As far as what capacity, Id have to kill you if I told you, and unlike you, I dont threaten people. Its obvious you dont have the clearance to find out any information on your own.
So slither back into the nest sweetie.
As a Teamster retiree that is of consequence to me.
my former district. Guess what?...UPS was within levels allowed
dannyboy said:So which is it sweetie, I am having a hard time keeping up with everything you claim to be/been/done. If it was your former district, that would make you a manager, but yet you claim to be a teaster retiree?
That is the way true liberals are, instead of attempting to discuss the problem, they intentionally sidetrac the discussion to personally attack whom ever they wish to discredit.
I was hoping you had learned some very valuable lessons as susie, but you have not changed. So I would guess the best thing for me to do is to put you on the ignore list again.
Like I said, UPS run studies on the amount of noise, what did you expect. To fail? You are not talking to a bunch of dummies here sweetie, we know and have seen first hand how things get covered up at UPS. Like the only time anyone really gets a safety wad in the crack of the panties is right before an audit, most of the rest of the year it takes a back seat to just about anything else.
God I love frustrating lonely ole bags that have nothing better to do than to put down others that are actually trying to better the workplace.
Rant on, I wont be seeing your garbage.
Good job, someone needs to pull these two apart.ikoi62 said:you think the newer trucks are loud?
you should have driven a old 8 cube with wooden shelves then you can talk loud..![]()