Obama is furious over oil spill


golden ticket member
I don't care who you are....Joe Honest or Jesus himself, one person in charge of distribution of $20 billion sends up a big red flag. $20 billion could be tempting to anybody! Someone mentioned a panel of 3 judges, but that's only for claims that are denied....like an appeal board.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
IF you watched FOX, then you have the truth according to FOX, however, the truth is, BP has set aside not only 20 billion, but another 100 billion is being set up in a another fund to prepare for the enormous costs that will be attributed to years of compensation.

FAUX has been defending BP on all its shows while trying to shift blame to OBAMA as an anti capitialist for making them stop dividends and set aside the 20 billion.

I (imo) could care less what happens to BP, as my concern rests with the people of the coast, the business losses and the catastrophic eco damage that is going to be the eventual outcome.

BP has plenty of money, and they will be able to sustain themselves even with this loss.

I have ZERO concern for the shareholders of BP and the last thing I want to hear from FAUX surrogates is how the shareholders are affected. To me, they are LAST on the list of people who need to be compensated.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This morning, RUSH is talking about the american way of life, the unnecessary action of holding 20 billion dollars hostage when there is a justice system designed to handle claims. He claims, "this is the american way". Seriously? ? ?

RUSH would rather have the affected people in the gulf who are losing there life's earnings spend the next two to three years in the court system, subject to limitations and the potential for losing...

This is "his" american way"? ?

The people of the gulf have no income at the moment, and they need cash to sustain life, having to wait years for a settlement is a rediculous claim by RUSH.

But then again, when has he EVER been right?



Für Meno :)
I don't get it either, why republicans trust BP more, then a 3rd party to distribute and hold those $20 Billion.
BP lied from the start.
They knew exactly it was more then just 1000 barrels a day spill, but thought maybe they could cover it up, if they were successful plugging it in time.

People and fishermen effected by this all, have only received 1 check from BP sofar, and don't know when or how much the next check will be !
These people are damm happy, that someone else is in charge of distribution, and know forsure the funds won't run out (as in BP, saying no more).

How would you make a living with 1 cheque in 55 days... and have no clue when the next one is comming ?
That escrow fund was a very smart thing to do.
I wouldn't care if Bush took charge of that fund, as long as all these effected people get fair compensation and in a timely matter, so they can pay their bills , rent / mortgages and put food on the table .


golden ticket member
The oil giant also said it will suspend its " payments for the rest of the year and set aside a separate $100 million fund for oil workers idled in the wake of the disaster now extending into its second month."

Get your facts straight....at least FOX had the facts correct !! Big difference $100 million & $100 billion !!


golden ticket member
Now that the gov't is in charge of distributing money for claims.......I'm sure it will be a swift process with no red tape.......NOT !! :dissapointed:

I have no feelings for BP. Their head guy on the hot seat looks pathetic, but what do the congress people want him to do....like that guy suggested yesterday, commit hari kari? They already said they'd pay. Now, their job is to stop the oil.


Für Meno :)
One question to Klein......Who would you trust with distributing $20 BILLION , the queen?

Hey, the government does a pretty good job distributing trillions each year in SS and unemployment funds, or don't they ?
Atleast you know when the next check is comming, and that it'll be there.

Besides, I heard it was suppose to be a 3rd party in charge of that. But, I could be wrong.


golden ticket member
One person, the pay czar, is in charge of distributing the $$$. If you are denied your claim and have an appeal, then a 3 judge panel will decide.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Hey, the government does a pretty good job distributing trillions each year in SS and unemployment funds, or don't they ?
Atleast you know when the next check is comming, and that it'll be there.

Besides, I heard it was suppose to be a 3rd party in charge of that. But, I could be wrong.
Yes they do a great job of sending ss out. Too bad its borrowed money. Just like they are good at sending out the welfare checks, and food stamps.
Very evident on the 1st of the month, and they get more than grandma and grandpa who worked all their lives and are recouping what they paid in that our govt pissed away.
And the pay czar who very capable, is also in the administration but is going to be acting in a private 3rd party position. Yeah, right. Where is my turnip truck?


Well-Known Member
IF you watched FOX, then you have the truth according to FOX, however, the truth is, BP has set aside not only 20 billion, but another 100 billion is being set up in a another fund to prepare for the enormous costs that will be attributed to years of compensation.

FAUX has been defending BP on all its shows while trying to shift blame to OBAMA as an anti capitialist for making them stop dividends and set aside the 20 billion.

I (imo) could care less what happens to BP, as my concern rests with the people of the coast, the business losses and the catastrophic eco damage that is going to be the eventual outcome.

BP has plenty of money, and they will be able to sustain themselves even with this loss.

I have ZERO concern for the shareholders of BP and the last thing I want to hear from FAUX surrogates is how the shareholders are affected. To me, they are LAST on the list of people who need to be compensated.


I too have a lot of concern for the people in that area which is why I am highly pissed that our leaders have not done much more to contain and clean this up.


Well-Known Member
This morning, RUSH is talking about the american way of life, the unnecessary action of holding 20 billion dollars hostage when there is a justice system designed to handle claims. He claims, "this is the american way". Seriously? ? ?

RUSH would rather have the affected people in the gulf who are losing there life's earnings spend the next two to three years in the court system, subject to limitations and the potential for losing...

This is "his" american way"? ?

The people of the gulf have no income at the moment, and they need cash to sustain life, having to wait years for a settlement is a rediculous claim by RUSH.

But then again, when has he EVER been right?


you watch way too much conservative tv. you should try exposing yourself to a variety of media sources.

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either, why republicans trust BP more, then a 3rd party to distribute and hold those $20 Billion.
BP lied from the start.

So it has been reported today that the government is going to take six weeks to hire all the attorneys and to formulate a plan to administer this fund. BP also released that they had paid out 104 million dollars in claims. This fund is looking more and more of just a way for the government connected lawyers to make money. They also released that they do not want to disclose the salary these government connect lawyers are going to siphon off the fund.


golden ticket member
On the news I heard them say that B.P. was once owned by Persia. Maybe the whole oil spill is a backdoor terrorist attack and Obama's slow reaction is aiding the jihad!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So it has been reported today that the government is going to take six weeks to hire all the attorneys and to formulate a plan to administer this fund. BP also released that they had paid out 104 million dollars in claims. This fund is looking more and more of just a way for the government connected lawyers to make money. They also released that they do not want to disclose the salary these government connect lawyers are going to siphon off the fund.



Did you really think this one out before you posted it?

If the goverment was looking for a way to increase the case load of trial lawyers, then they would have simply let the gulf coast victims hire an attorney and sue BP directly.

There would be thousands of cases filed which would mean thousands of attorneys hired and unfortunately, gulf coast residents, businessmen and workers would have to pay for this themselves.

What do you care how much the lawyers make as long as the money is distributed to the victims quickly and justly?

I cant believe how many people in the right wing fringe defend BP and protest the goverments expedited process of claim handling? Does anyone on the "right" think for themselves anymore? Does anyone not understand that it will take lawyers to dicipher good claims from bad claims? Does anyone have any idea how much time will have to be invested investigating gulf claims?

I would like to see one poster from the right fringe post on this board an alternative to the $20 billion dollar restitution fund for the gulf victims. I want to see someone post how the gulf victims should be forced to "sue" and spend years in court without seeing a DIME in income for those same years.

All those on the right have done is complain.

"OBAMA didnt act swiftly enough" <--- yet, not one person can actually say what he didnt do, or make a suggestion of something that could have need done. I am sure some idiot will say " he didnt used enough boats from the start" as if 1400 vessels werent enough on day one.

"OBAMA isnt doing what he needs to do" <--- yet, not one person from the right can explain what the right thing to do is.

I asked those on this board : "wheres the beef?" and not one poster can do it.

Every right wing media outlet is repeating the same claims over and over, without offering a suggestion themselves, well, except RUSH. He wants the gulf victims to use the american way and sue in court.

Funny how the right wing talks about TORT reform and frivilous lawsuits, yet, want the gulf vicitms to sue and be subject to the limitations of TORT reform. There are plenty on this board who have posted many times about TORT reform and the supporting of the repubican efforts to make it happen. Now, that an eco disaster of epic porportion has happened affecting thousands of people, the right wing wants them shoved into the court system where BP would be protected.

Tort reform refers to proposed changes in the civil justice system that would reduce tort litigation or damages. Tort is a system for compensating wrongs and harm done by one party to another's person, property or other protected interests (e.g. reputation, under libel and slander laws). Tort reform advocates focus on personal injury in particular.
In the United States tort reform is a contentious political issue. US tort reform advocates propose, among other things, procedural limits on the ability to file claims, and capping the awards of damages. According to Forbes reporter Daniel Fisher, tort reform is "A catchall phrase for legislative measures designed to make it harder for individuals to sue businesses."[1]
In Commonwealth countries, those initiating liability lawsuits must pay court costs as well as the legal expenses of defendants should they lose, thus greatly reducing the number of such cases. On the other hand, there are proposals to replace tort compensation with a social security framework that serves victims without respect to cause. In 1972, New Zealand introduced the first universal no-fault insurance scheme for all accident victims, which provides benefit from the government run Accident Compensation Corporation without respect to negligence. Its goal is to achieve equality of compensation, while reducing costs of litigation. In the 1970s, Australia[2] and the United Kingdom drew up proposals for similar no-fault schemes,[3] that were later abandoned.

This eco disaster will go on for months and our country will be greatly harmed. BP is responsible and there is no one else to blame.

I just want to know when this will stop being called a "SPILL" and instead be called an act of gross negligence.
