

Inordinately Right
I’m not interested enough in this post to see why you would consider an SSA benefit as insurance
Sorry got you confused with this guy:
Social Security is INSURANCE meant to provide you with a minimal amount of security in your old age.
why the government shouldn’t be running said “insurance” - please provide a synopsis.
Whatever you call it, if the government was capable of running it, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Well-Known Member
Revenues went up because he raised taxes and spent more money and raised the debt. If the government spends $1.5 trillion, of course when that money is spent and someone gets more in income, revenue will increase. But revenues won't increase as much as the deficit amount spent.

Under Reagan massive amounts were spent on boondoggle defense projects, and when contractor are paid, of course some of what they get paid goes back in taxes. IF you think that adding willy-nilly to the debt just to raise revenue makes sense, it means you are a republican. If you think that adding targeted spending to the debt to gradually decrease the debt, it means you are a republican. These untargeted tax cuts being proposed now will only increase profits and stock values, a gift to the wealthy. If instead they took $1.5 trillion and built new roads, repaired infrastructure, modernized the electric grid, etc, etc, it would GUARANTEE more hiring. The repub plan is just HOPING that business does something good with their added profit, while infrastructure spending ACTUALLY accomplishes something good.
Obama doubled the debt. By your estimation we should be doing very well economically. Oh wait, who or what did Obama spend all that money on? Where's the infrastructure improvements he made? The jobs created?


Well-Known Member
Need money? Go to work. Crazy idea I know.

Most people currently work. How does telling people to “go to work” solve the current retirement issue? The median household income is 52,000 (do you know what median means?). Please, tell me what gives the families living below this line hope?


Inordinately Right
Most people currently work. How does telling people to “go to work” solve the current retirement issue? The median household income is 52,000 (do you know what median means?). Please, tell me what gives the families living below this line hope?
Cool story.
Totally different topic though


Well-Known Member
Obama doubled the debt. By your estimation we should be doing very well economically. Oh wait, who or what did Obama spend all that money on? Where's the infrastructure improvements he made? The jobs created?

WOW!!!! You've fallen for everything FOX tells you.
First, the debt didn't double because of Obama, it went up about 80% due to programs staerted under the previous administrations. You likely can't even name a program started by Obama that caused any increase in the debt. Obamacare saved money, but programs like Medicare part D started under Bush continued to add to the debt under Obama, even though it wasn't his program. And the debt has gone up already under Trump, so are you foolish enough to blame Trump? Bush cut taxes after starting with a balanced budget. Bush started two wars, one because he wanted to, started Medicare part D, and did nothing to prevent the 'recession' (depression) that he left for Obama.

Obama came into office with a massive decrease in revenue and a massive increase in spending due to Bush, and you seem to be ignorant of those facts and actually blame Obama because Hannity and molester O'Reilly told you so.

You ever here of a 'structural deficit'? That is what Obama, and now Trump inherited, and your buddies in the current administration want to make it worse by decreasing revenues. I don't even know how you can take yourself seriously, let alone expect anyone else with even a bit of information to take you seriously. About 80% of what you post is just nonsense.

Keep it up- it makes me chuckle and gives me a chance to ridicule you publicly. Lots of fun.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!! You've fallen for everything FOX tells you.
First, the debt didn't double because of Obama, it went up about 80% due to programs staerted under the previous administrations. You likely can't even name a program started by Obama that caused any increase in the debt. Obamacare saved money, but programs like Medicare part D started under Bush continued to add to the debt under Obama, even though it wasn't his program. And the debt has gone up already under Trump, so are you foolish enough to blame Trump? Bush cut taxes after starting with a balanced budget. Bush started two wars, one because he wanted to, started Medicare part D, and did nothing to prevent the 'recession' (depression) that he left for Obama.

Obama came into office with a massive decrease in revenue and a massive increase in spending due to Bush, and you seem to be ignorant of those facts and actually blame Obama because Hannity and molester O'Reilly told you so.

You ever here of a 'structural deficit'? That is what Obama, and now Trump inherited, and your buddies in the current administration want to make it worse by decreasing revenues. I don't even know how you can take yourself seriously, let alone expect anyone else with even a bit of information to take you seriously. About 80% of what you post is just nonsense.

Keep it up- it makes me chuckle and gives me a chance to ridicule you publicly. Lots of fun.
Rewriting history again? Obama moved massive amounts of money to campaign supporters like Solyndra, which got $500,000,000 from him then went belly up. All that money gone. He also gave a hell of a lot to teachers unions, public service unions, etc. to prop them up in exchange for those votes. And again, where was the investment in infrastructure under Obama that you yourself said comes back through income taxes and helps the working class? The reason Hillary lost wasn't because of FOX News, it was Democrat union members in the Rust Belt that she took for granted but got very little help from Obama in an area of severe decline. Bush spent more than any president up until Obama although FDR may have if adjusted for inflation because of WWII. But Obama spent more than all previous presidents combined in terms of numbers. Trying to blame almost 9 trillion in spending on Bush is silly. The only things you can pin on Bush are the wars, and yes, they account for plenty. And yes the debt has gone up under Trump due to previous programs in place just like the prescription drug program from Bush did for Obama. They don't account for all that debt by a long shot and try to end those programs and the Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.

P.S. Obamacare saved money? Seriously?


Well-Known Member
I believe you people voted for decades. Repeatedly. For people who over and over spent your money. You need to take responsibility.

You have no right to force young people to pay for your failures.
"You people?", is that the same as Fred's Myth saying "You People?" I'm just asking for clarification. "You people," are hard to understand, and I frankly don't know which "you people" are making claims. Comprende? Enjoy your burrito.


Well-Known Member
Rewriting history again? Obama moved massive amounts of money to campaign supporters like Solyndra, which got $500,000,000 from him then went belly up. All that money gone. He also gave a hell of a lot to teachers unions, public service unions, etc. to prop them up in exchange for those votes. And again, where was the investment in infrastructure under Obama that you yourself said comes back through income taxes and helps the working class? The reason Hillary lost wasn't because of FOX News, it was Democrat union members in the Rust Belt that she took for granted but got very little help from Obama in an area of severe decline. Bush spent more than any president up until Obama although FDR may have if adjusted for inflation because of WWII. But Obama spent more than all previous presidents combined in terms of numbers. Trying to blame almost 9 trillion in spending on Bush is silly. The only things you can pin on Bush are the wars, and yes, they account for plenty. And yes the debt has gone up under Trump due to previous programs in place just like the prescription drug program from Bush did for Obama. They don't account for all that debt by a long shot and try to end those programs and the Democrats squeal like stuck pigs.

P.S. Obamacare saved money? Seriously?

Obamacare stripped away $756 BILLION in excessive profits that insurers were gouging taxpayers for out of private Medicare Advantage plans. You should know that since you probably screamed about 'cutting medicare' during the bill's writing. Repubs want to give it back by fully repealing Obamacare. Repubs screamed that this take-back would kill private insurers participating in the program, and called it 'cuts to medicare' but insurers are still aggressively selling and profiting from selling those programs.
The Solyndra loss was because of a loan guarantee that most other companies have repaid or are repaying and has been credited with creating over 30,000 jobs- another fake FOX talking point, picking out one failure among the many successes. In addition, Solyndra was a one-time expense, not an expense like Medicare part D that is still adding to the debt EVERY day.

Bush's war against Iraq was totally voluntary, and destabilized the middle east. We are still paying, and will be paying the costs of that destabilization for decades. In addition, we have ongoing legacy costs of that war, with thousands of servicemen injured both physically and mentally. The destabilization and war in Iraq also resulted in less focus on Afghanistan, and allowed the Taliban to remain active and recover. Yet you want to deflect onto one failed investment that has nothing to do with the ongoing built in deficit that Obama was restricted to operating in.

Why don't you just go stand on a street corner and scream "Benghazi" and "Emails!" for a few hours since your ilk seems to think that the attack in Benghazi and some deleted emails were the most important things to talk about while electing a pervert.

Both parties play politics with spending, but it has been the republicans since 1980 who have grossly created the built in deficit spending, and now want to both increase spending and cut revenue at the same time. And you continue to blame Obama. That's why I laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
Obamacare stripped away $756 BILLION in excessive profits that insurers were gouging taxpayers for out of private Medicare Advantage plans. You should know that since you probably screamed about 'cutting medicare' during the bill's writing. Repubs want to give it back by fully repealing Obamacare. Repubs screamed that this take-back would kill private insurers participating in the program, and called it 'cuts to medicare' but insurers are still aggressively selling and profiting from selling those programs.
The Solyndra loss was because of a loan guarantee that most other companies have repaid or are repaying and has been credited with creating over 30,000 jobs- another fake FOX talking point, picking out one failure among the many successes. In addition, Solyndra was a one-time expense, not an expense like Medicare part D that is still adding to the debt EVERY day.

Bush's war against Iraq was totally voluntary, and destabilized the middle east. We are still paying, and will be paying the costs of that destabilization for decades. In addition, we have ongoing legacy costs of that war, with thousands of servicemen injured both physically and mentally. The destabilization and war in Iraq also resulted in less focus on Afghanistan, and allowed the Taliban to remain active and recover. Yet you want to deflect onto one failed investment that has nothing to do with the ongoing built in deficit that Obama was restricted to operating in.

Why don't you just go stand on a street corner and scream "Benghazi" and "Emails!" for a few hours since your ilk seems to think that the attack in Benghazi and some deleted emails were the most important things to talk about while electing a pervert.

Both parties play politics with spending, but it has been the republicans since 1980 who have grossly created the built in deficit spending, and now want to both increase spending and cut revenue at the same time. And you continue to blame Obama. That's why I laugh at you.
I didn't deflect, I gave Solyndra as just one example amongst many, albeit one of the more extreme. And Obamacare has forced many insurers out of healthcare as well as driven up healthcare costs for most people. Way up with less service. And you give cover to your politicians who without question lied to the public on pretty much everything from OBAMACARE! to BENGHAZI! to those nagging EMAILS! With so much in between. Your party is about one thing, maintaining power through dependency on handouts so that they can get their grubby little fingers on that river of money flowing through Washington. You set yourself up as so caring about the common man, especially minorities, but what have you really solved? Again, the best thing y'all have ever come up with is Social Security IMO, the rest is pretty bleak. We need jobs, Obama didn't deliver, and y'all knock any attempts by Trump to deliver primarily because he's a Republican, and we can't have a Republican succeeding, huh? Might mean the public will start believing the best course of action is developing a better economy with minimal government intervention instead of a smothering central government that compensates with handouts. And we can't have that!


Well-Known Member
One point at a time,of these 30,000 jobs that were "created"
1. What companies added these jobs, please cite the names and employment numbers.
2. Who credited this "job creation"
3. What is the current position of these "job" creators? Solvency, currently in business or defunct, and whether still held afloat by public funds.
And a question for you:
Was this an attempt to fund an ideology, a way to fund non market driven outcomes, or do these companies stand on their own currently? If non of the three, what the hell was it?
You've been known to be long winded, so I don't expect a dodge. Don't really expect an answer to the question or points mentioned however.