% of drivers that are fired


Well-Known Member
Seen a decent number fired. Only a couple stuck. Seen 10x as many drivers quit as I’ve seen fired and it stuck.
Same here...seen more drivers quit over frustration. They walk off after they see how bricked out the truck is and then there is no way your coming back. That's the way they get you. The more bricked out the package car is, the safer I work, and if packages have to roll, then let em roll. I have never seen someone fired for production and it stuck. I've seen a guy get his job back after a 6 sporh.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Interesting......I hear Amazon workers ROUTINELY get fired by e-mail.

So, let's say we include not just driving "outfits" but all "outfits"....

I know of lot's of people that are told "you're fired....leave the property now". No appeal, negotiation....contract.

I've given this much consideration lately. As much as UPS hates the Union and it's workforce(us).....it also counts on us everyday. Our unrecognized(by the Union) productivity.

I'd bet also they(your friends) don't , in the end, make what we do w/bennies(all that). Ask your friends about accidents or dishonesty....or just plain breaking stuff.

Just not a lot of folks making $100k out there. Driving or not.
They get fired for things they should be fired for but they don’t get hassled for stupid :censored2:. I’m not talking about Amazon, they are a whole different animal. I’m talking about other trucking companies.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
They always tell you to turn in your browns. It must be a badge of honor handed down from corporate. Like they have a class on firing bargaining unit employees.

They do have classes on how to fire employees...

Rule number one ...( always try to terminate an employee on a Friday), it gives them a weekend to make you sweat as they decide whether to take it to the next level.

Also most lawyers or federal agencies never work weekends ..they are counting on you not filing an unlawful termination law suit till Monday.

So the moral of the story .. Never go into a hearing unprepared..especially on a Friday...🤓


Well-Known Member
We had one fired not long ago. He works at FedEx now.

Of course he pissed her off or broke it off and she accused him of sexual harassment. So that’s what did him in.
Sexual harassment is a career killer for sure. Probably more so today than 15 years ago when the other incidents I mentioned took place.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Pick the employee who is a pushover and won't meet you in the parking lot when you get off.

They always seem to find that guy for some reason.

That is just one of the reasons we need a strong Union with the ability to call a local wild cat strike if needed.

Many moons ago I heard of a business agent at a unjust termination hearing that stood up and slammed a contract book on the table threatening a strike if his member was not reinstated the following day with a few colorful words added ..... guess what happened....?

When was the last time we saw a 24 hour strike notice posted on the board, they did exist at one time and were very very effective.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
No , no it’s not
Ok. Statistics please.

Here, backpay (usually) administered at deadlock panels. So, that brings it way down. Been told 1 in 10. Then maybe at arbitration...See?

Pretty rare.

Change my mind with....logic,facts please.

You make it sound like every local hearing ends with reinstatement(mostly true) and backpay(not true)....Simply not true here.

El Correcto

god is dead
20 years, fired once. I was visibly shaken when speaking with my rep and he basically told me to chill, he’s been fired twice.
I’ve seen a 10 year+ driver holding back tears over a warning letter, a :censored2:ing warning letter.
He is a sweet guy who came from nothing and loves/values his job greatly, but Jesus Christ you big pusillanimous get a grip.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I’ve seen a 10 year+ driver holding back tears over a warning letter, a :censored2:ing warning letter.
He is a sweet guy who came from nothing and loves/values his job greatly, but Jesus Christ you big pusillanimous get a grip.
Christ. Poor guy would probably piss himself if he had to go to a local hearing or, god forbid, panel. I honestly don’t know any 10+ year drivers who haven’t been “fired” at least once and countless write ups.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Actually, I was suspended for being too mean... To millennial punks, like you.
You keep playing those games inside the building and eventually someone is going to meet you at the truck stop down the street after work like we did back in the day. We will see how “mean” you are then.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’ve seen a 10 year+ driver holding back tears over a warning letter, a :censored2:ing warning letter.
He is a sweet guy who came from nothing and loves/values his job greatly, but Jesus Christ you big pusillanimous get a grip.
I would never even sign them.


That's kinda lady like of a thing to do.

Its more funny than anything.
My center manager was pissed when I did that. My steward pulled me aside to yell at me. Even my BA called me to yell at me. All the drivers, especially the old ones, thought it was hilarious though.