Off Clock Sort

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Who had the story of the girl who would sheet the entire truck off the clock with 2 or 3 clip boards and hide them in The truck? Someone saw her and stole them.

She was found bawling her eyes out at start time because she couldn't find them!


These drivers are stealing money from you. I don't really see how having a problem with that is petty.

I don't see it as wage theft until one is working without the other.

Let 'em come in and sort their damn trucks out if they want, that's my opinion. So long as I'm still on the clock and don't have to shuffle around drivers with every other step, I really don't feel slighted about this in the least.

Hell, I like talking to most of the drivers on my belt than I do most of the preloaders I work with. I don't mind when y'all start showing up.

Though I suppose I'm getting a little bit away from the "off the clock sorting" subject material here...


Well-Known Member
Don't hate the player, hate the game. in my opinion it's the company's fault to the full extent, bombed out trucks and routes cut left and right. There's more to it than just money, I know a lot of guys who just want to go home and have a family life. Their kids have ball games, they have family events and ect. Boxes don't mean :censored2: compared to time spent with family. If they choose to "cheat "that's there own choice. You have the ability to do the same if you wish to, I don't condone it but I don't neccesarly blame guys who do it. Would you rather have an employee who runs in the door at 9 Aclock everyday or an employee who gets there 30 minutes early just so he/she can feel comfortable about their day? As I said it's not the employees fault, it's the companies. One must consider many factors as to why people do what they do.
Anybody who takes this job should know that overtime is part of it. This guy gonna do this for 30 years? I just don't understand anybody willing to work for free.


Well-Known Member
I personally won't work for free neither, however if someone wants to then so be it.
But it's not so be it. You're on Vaca. Cover driver covers your route. You have a terrible loader. Cover driver shows up 30 minutes early every day and massages the load FOR FREE. Then when you return from Vaca they want to know why so and so scratches everyday and you're an hour over everyday. Now you got them up your you know what. NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING ANY WORK FOR FREE

Orion inc.

I like turtles
both is a 30yr guy other i think mid 20yr.....unreal......nothing happens ....Union well aware of it also
There is NEVER a valid reason ever to do work for UPS off the clock. Especially if you've been here that long. You know that this job has long hours when you sign up. At that time frame, you know the work life balance is one sided. That still doesn't mean you ever work for free ever.

It's that cut and dry.


Well-Known Member
But it's not so be it. You're on Vaca. Cover driver covers your route. You have a terrible loader. Cover driver shows up 30 minutes early every day and massages the load FOR FREE. Then when you return from Vaca they want to know why so and so scratches everyday and you're an hour over everyday. Now you got them up your you know what. NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING ANY WORK FOR FREE
I'm not disagreeing with the fact, I'm just looking at it from various angles man, I PERSONALLY agree with you. However it doesn't matter if your a scratch driver or not they cannot fire you for performance, only bug the hell out of you. Lol


deep down inside I really do not care
There is NEVER a valid reason ever to do work for UPS off the clock. Especially if you've been here that long. You know that this job has long hours when you sign up. At that time frame, you know the work life balance is one sided. That still doesn't mean you ever work for free ever.

It's that cut and dry.
UPS made 6.89 BILLION DOLLARS PROFIT last year(market Let me reiterate what was just said;there is NEVER a good reason to work off the clock.UPS made almost 7 billion dollars profit,that is profit not revenue.

They do pay well,far more than most companies but they made over 6.8 billion dollars profit.If your supervisor complains about margins,revenue,etc.,etc.,.....remind ask them if 6 billion is not enough money so they have to steal from you?


Well-Known Member
I think that every driver sorts at the start of their career. I did. I do not anymore. I also do not look at Orion maps or download EDD until after the start time. I am kind of surprised at the number of really high seniority guys in my building that look at the Orion maps before start time.

If I have a problem with Orion, I talk to a supe at the end of the day, while I am still on the clock.
Never understood why a regular driver who has a bid route would look at Orion maps?? I also don't know why some long term employees beeline into the bldg and look at the wor from the day before??


Well-Known Member
Come on the management love it. Free labor get the belt done early. If every driver showed up at start time and did not touch a package. How would this effect UPS? The loaders would have to be near perfect in loading the PC.