Ok Be Honest Everyone !!!!


My Senior Picture
Wow talk about multi tasking!!!
Can you do a barrel roll while starting a new thread about the thrust ratio differences between the f15 and f16?

Why yes, I can.
Unfortunately though, since telematics, I can no longer fly with my bomb bay doors open.


Well-Known Member
That's funny Drew! I remember that first chat with Sober too. Waiting for the kids to come out of a concert, watching the druggies walk by, and then not hearing from him again that night. Too funny.


Well-Known Member
I am on a lot more now that my son gave me an I phone for Christmas. I see who is on in the early AM and check to see if my friend Brown Devil is on before work also. And he is. Just like me. Hello, my name is HoC, and I too am a BC addict. And what's more, I am going on the cruise too. I am hopeless.


Well-Known Member
Daily, after work, around midnight.

Sometimes late morning, when i get up.

Here and there on the weekend.

Enough to make my wife ask questions. She will never understand.


Retired 23 years
Being retired I check out the BC 3 or 4 time a day---------and a couple of times at night. Not much else to do in these dog days of winter. I can only pester the family cats so much before they hide from me. As soon as the weather warms up I will cut back on computer time. I have to admit that my typing skills have greatly improved this winter. I must be up to 10 or 15 words a minute now.:peaceful:
being somewhat of an insomniac. I spend alot of time here during the wee hours of the morning. When I am home with nothing special to do, I have several activities I do on the computer, BC is now one of my major actives.
When I'm working daily I usually don't log in in the evening unless there is a running thread I want to keep up with.
My wife understands OK, she is addicted to another message board that suits her interest. She's even asked a few people from that board to join us on the cruise.


Well-Known Member
After work around noon, everyday, and the weekends too, usually stay logged on then check back to see new posts. Don't post often but I read just about everything. :peaceful:


Well-Known Member
I went months without logging in after the contract passed. But when the company started assaulting 22.3s I had a reason to get in touch with what is going on nationwide and when I became a Safety Chair I started getting exposed to a lot of material... And I gave up on editing Wikipedia, more or less, in disgust at admin antics. Anyway,I usually turn on my computer to check my emails when I get home circa 5am, and when I turn on my computer and start discarding windows I usually type in "brownc" and chose "/forum" from the dropdown list rather than just close it. This all may change now that I'm about to be off work for five or six months with a torn shoulder.


I went months without logging in after the contract passed. But when the company started assaulting 22.3s I had a reason to get in touch with what is going on nationwide and when I became a Safety Chair I started getting exposed to a lot of material... And I gave up on editing Wikipedia, more or less, in disgust at admin antics. Anyway,I usually turn on my computer to check my emails when I get home circa 5am, and when I turn on my computer and start discarding windows I usually type in "brownc" and chose "/forum" from the dropdown list rather than just close it. This all may change now that I'm about to be off work for five or six months with a torn shoulder.
Gandy, that's to bad, I hope you heal quickly.


Well-Known Member
Haven't worked for UPS in nearly 2 years, and I still check in.. from the other side of the
And despite all I might say or think, I still want to go back.
and most likely will.