Operations Management Specialist, and they are the ones that basically run the center. They are the link between the center and the drivers during the day, plus the receptionist for whoever calls or stops by, plus the inventory person to keep track of supplies, plus whatever else the manager and sups don't want to do. It varies from center to center, but they do a lot of stuff.what does oms stand for and what is their job description?
how much do they generally make?
At least in my building the OMS is an aly.
I don't care what our center manager and On Car Sups think, our OMS runs the center and she has for years. If we the drivers need something taken care of we'll go to her first.
Doesn't OMS really mean Our Manager Sucks
If you need something done, you go to an OMS. If a supe didn't get it done, mention it to an OMS, they will make sure the supe is reminded. You can rage at them and they won't fire you. They will call your wife and let her know you will miss something. They will call a customer for you. At least in my building the OMS is an aly.
The OMS here is the person that sits in front of the computer where all the On Calls, Intercepts, Concerns, etc. come in they deal with them accordingly. The OMS we had in the past would put up with drivers sending On Calls back but the current OMS doesn't. I like him because that means less driving way off my route for an On Call that some other spoiled driver didn't want to get.
This is an area UPS can costs. Why hire an OMS when one of the on-road sups can perform the same function. Assuming there are 2 in a center, why can't one run the dispacth after dispacth?
Besides, after dispacth what do sups do anyway? From where I'm from they do teamster work (delivering air, shuttling misloads, and pulling routes).
Lets give this work to a teamster (its their's contactually) and let the sups do the OMS work. Instead of cutting routes, let's cut an OMS job. Isn't it only fair? Corporate wants to slash routes, but when they do it leaves too many problems for the drivers to handle so the sups pick up the slack.
I don't want to disrespect my on-roads because I think they do a hell of a job, but if a management person is needed to do teamster work to make service on all the packages in the center(besides the fact its against the rules) , then 1 more teamster job should be created.