Option Day Question


Well-Known Member
I have 3 option days to use before 5/1/17. Two weeks ago I asked my supervisor if I can schedule to use them 4/5-4/7, I was told I have to ask 1 week prior for the time. Go in yesterday and ask and he tells me speak to the center manager who tells me do you have sick time? Use that because you would have to bump 3 other drivers and you don't have the seniority to do so ( I have been here as a driver under a year). So my questions:

1. Will I be paid out option days if I don't use them.
2. What are standard Option Day Request procedures?
3. Can I call on a day and say I need to use an option day today or does it always need to be pre-authorized?


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
He's telling you to bang in because some one has the day already ,which was kind of a nice way to help you out ,,, bang in !!!


Just a turd
1. Will I be paid out option days if I don't use them.
2. What are standard Option Day Request procedures?

Here we have to have them turned in 8 days before and in writing.
3. Can I call on a day and say I need to use an option day today or does it always need to be pre-authorized?
Sometimes they will do this , and sometimes not, no harm in asking worst they can say is no


Well-Known Member
1. Yes. May 1st.
2. My center has a form that you fill out and submit to the sup one week before request date.
3. Must be pre-authorized. One exception is if you show up to work and are given the option to go home, then you can request to use an OPD for that day.

I would be leery of using sick days in place of denied option days. DTM (Don't Trust Management).