Other Airlines Must Love This


Well-Known Member
Newest member of my ignore list
Cancel and ignore........

Run and hide.

When someone matches wits......

Why not defend yourself instead?

Your liberal agenda took some heavy blows tonight. Serious damage. You tuck tail and run?

They is you! You are a Democrat. Own it.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately if it becomes the law there's going to be huge upheaval. I think the mandates passed by California are going to seriously hurt their businesses and drive more companies(tax base)away.
No doom and gloom.
I predict that goalpost will be moved.

If not, and everything goes to Hell, I'm already set up to make a clean break for another state.

I'm not the only Californian hoping that California breaks off and falls into the ocean.

Like severing a gangrenous limb.


Well-Known Member
Is it fair to entice companies like Tesla, Boeing etc to move to Right To Work states with free land, low to no taxes and free infrastructure? Sure, it “creates”jobs transferred from somewhere else, but they aren’t new jobs. Abbott and Haley can crow about being “job creators “, but it’s kind of a fraud.
Areas in TN are bad about this even the new fedex location in my area got tax breaks and said it would create new jobs the jobs created are part time and low paying. Many of the factories brought in with this method also pay well below average rent in the area is around 1000 starting for an apartment a house would be 1600 while these jobs pay 15ish an hour.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, not a great argument. The people that want us to stay on oil are oil companies. Their agenda is clear and obviously greed. This isn’t complicated.

...aaand what is the agenda of those who advocate The Green New Deal?

They spout platitudes of saving the planet.

There's no doubt in my mind that it's really all about control.


Well-Known Member
There’s a huge difference. Ever take an eighth grade government class?
In practice and real world effect....no.

Ever hear of the USSR? Nazi Germany?

Ever take a look at the real world?

Socialism eventually devolves(evolves) into communism. It has to. Dictatorships. Confiscation and murder by the hundreds of millions. All at gunpoint. The siren song of utopia is met with the reality that it doesn't work and has to be maintained by threat of death and/or imprisonment.

Take an 8th grade history class on Venezuela......on it's "income redistribution" and "social welfare" programs. BTW, sound eerily familiar here in the USA?

This is what the Democrats(you) want (you voted for it)(2020).

Tell us more.


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Well-Known Member
Who is “they?” It’s always the evil “they.” You Trumpservatives seriously are the most gullible, easily duped people on earth. Pure Orwell.
You Biden communist/socialist are the most gullible, easily duped people on Earth. Pure Orwell. Which is actually very close to reality.

BTW, you! are they.

It's so odd...you rip conservatives for being American(traditional values)......yet you seem to operate in this weird bubble.

Where you can vote in communist/socialist and then act like you had no bearing of the consequences. Or that they are happening. BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, Blue City crime on and on......you sound like a liberal politician. "What crime?"

"What blight?"

"Chicago?" "What about it?"

"Homeless?" "Where?"

"Crime?" "Where?"

"Inflation?" "Trump's fault...."

"What's wrong with blue cities?" "Well yeah, we run em.......but the problems aren't our fault" "It's guns!" "Yeah guns...that's it!"

And white people? "They" should give every black person 2 million dollars and a free home! And racial set asides and priority!

"Defund the police?" "We never said that!" "Re-imagine!" "See, we are going to put 30 gang members in yellow vests and that should fix everything...." "Well yeah, it costs $11 million....peacekeepers.....lol.

Frankly, this sort of bob and weave around fact and truth and responsibility is just intellectually dishonest.

Everything above is happening right now. 100% Democrat(they) caused.
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Well-Known Member
Who is “they?” It’s always the evil “they.” You Trumpservatives seriously are the most gullible, easily duped people on earth. Pure Orwell.
And it's going to get even worse. Why? In a cost cutting move Fox News shut down it's investigative news desk on May 19 .Now all that will be coming out of Fox News are these little short on details shock and awe snippets of news that it's gullible viewers will gobble up as fast as Fox News can shovel it in them.


Inordinately Right
And it's going to get even worse. Why? In a cost cutting move Fox News shut down it's investigative news desk on May 19 .Now all that will be coming out of Fox News are these little short on details shock and awe snippets of news that it's gullible viewers will gobble up as fast as Fox News can shovel it in them.
It's funny, you complained about the story not containing facts that it did actually contain. Which tells me you either didn't read it, or weren't intellectually capable of understanding what you read.

Now you continue to rant and further embarrass yourself.


Inordinately Right
A story explicitly linking taxpayer dollars being given to communist China, and all these members of the church of leftism can do is cry about Fox News.

Pathetic and shameful anti American Democrats


Well-Known Member
And it's going to get even worse. Why? In a cost cutting move Fox News shut down it's investigative news desk on May 19 .Now all that will be coming out of Fox News are these little short on details shock and awe snippets of news that it's gullible viewers will gobble up as fast as Fox News can shovel it in them.
I don’t know what’s more pathetic the people that watch Fox News, or the people who don’t watch Fox News, or the people who say they don’t watch Fox News, but yet know everything about the business news inside and out. I think someone needs a better hobby, or a girlfriend or boyfriend.


Well-Known Member
And it's going to get even worse. Why? In a cost cutting move Fox News shut down it's investigative news desk on May 19 .Now all that will be coming out of Fox News are these little short on details shock and awe snippets of news that it's gullible viewers will gobble up as fast as Fox News can shovel it in them.
Fox News! It’s Fox News! Fox News!