Out more than 45 but keeps route....

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
And say what? Boo hoo, this situation that I'm not directly involved in isn't fair. They let go another guy but created a job for another one because they like him.
The real solution is get your management team to like you so you can receive special treatment. Tattling does the opposite. It is possible to be well liked and still hold your ground when they overstep.

FYI, holding management to policy is not tattling. There is policy in place for a reason. As long as no one says anything, mgmt will do what they want.

I hold my ground all the time, and mgmt knows I will speak up. They may think I'm a PITA, but they still love me. And I DON'T kiss anyone's ass.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
FYI, holding management to policy is not tattling. There is policy in place for a reason. As long as no one says anything, mgmt will do what they want.

I hold my ground all the time, and mgmt knows I will speak up. They may think I'm a PITA, but they still love me. And I DON'T kiss anyone's ass.
Any decent manager can argue they were following policy and HR will protect them. I doubt there's a policy against the creation of a new job or altering the responsibilities of someone to meet their circumstances. Management will bend policy for people they like. I'm sure you've had them bend some rules for you. That's how the game is played. Sticking your nose in to someone else's situation is not a good move. Maybe give them a heads up on what policy is and let them play it, but I'd keep myself out of anything like this.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Any decent manager can argue they were following policy and HR will protect them. I doubt there's a policy against the creation of a new job or altering the responsibilities of someone to meet their circumstances. Management will bend policy for people they like. I'm sure you've had them bend some rules for you. That's how the game is played. Sticking your nose in to someone else's situation is not a good move. Maybe give them a heads up on what policy is and let them play it, but I'd keep myself out of anything like this.

I DON'T stick my nose in it unless it affects me or unless they ask me what to do. I won't fight someone else's battles. I've had too many of my own to fight. I'm tired.

And there IS policy against creating a new job and not putting it up for bids.


Well-Known Member
More "rumors". Someone said old courier is faking a re-injury to go back out until the 90 day mark in order to go to front of the line in the bidding process. Knowing this person, we don't expect to see old courier back until peak is over. It's a win win for everyone. Old courier can sit on the backside all day while the rest of the loops don't have to worry about having a cancer infect their work group. Lazy.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
As I have said before, everyone should receive the same treatment.

And what do you say to the "above and beyond" employees who make you look good and have bailed you out when they need some discretion/consideration that you wouldn't ordinarily give to anyone else?

There are people in the company who'll tell you that they were once "above and beyond" employees, but not any longer. Their reasons why inevitably always boil down to the same thing: they were treated no better than anyone else. Too much fairness (in the sense that you are using it) is a terrible thing.


Well-Known Member
There are people in the company who'll tell you that they were once "above and beyond" employees, but not any longer. Their reasons why inevitably always boil down to the same thing: they were treated no better than anyone else. Too much fairness (in the sense that you are using it) is a terrible thing.
It's not so much of not being treated better than anyone else, but rather always getting taken advantage of because they knew you could be counted on to get the job done no matter what. All the while the managers catering to the constant cry babies as to why they couldn't do this or that, which meant the "above and beyond" had to pick up their slack. Why should I bust my butt on a route I'm covering so I can get done at a decent time only be told to drive 30 min to help a cry baby when I'm done? When I do meet up I'm given 5 stops which take about 15 min to deliver. When I return to the station, this cry baby rolls in 10 minutes after me at 1730. Really? You wasted over an hour of my day to shorten yours by 10 min?


Well-Known Member
And what do you say to the "above and beyond" employees who make you look good and have bailed you out when they need some discretion/consideration that you wouldn't ordinarily give to anyone else?

There are people in the company who'll tell you that they were once "above and beyond" employees, but not any longer. Their reasons why inevitably always boil down to the same thing: they were treated no better than anyone else. Too much fairness (in the sense that you are using it) is a terrible thing.
Actually the problem with going "above and beyond" the reward is more work. And why must Senior managers, at some locations, cheat the numbers in order to stay off the "Focus" list? Because numbers are unrealistic and fudging the numbers is par for the course. I wonder how many stations would be in trouble for falsification if an independent investigation checked the numbers? Senior Managers auditing their golf buddies--- I mean other senior managers is the only thing saving many of them. I think we're on our 7th senior manger in 20 years at this station and by the time its over, I expect to see 3 or 4 more.


Well-Known Member
And what do you say to the "above and beyond" employees who make you look good and have bailed you out when they need some discretion/consideration that you wouldn't ordinarily give to anyone else?

There are people in the company who'll tell you that they were once "above and beyond" employees, but not any longer. Their reasons why inevitably always boil down to the same thing: they were treated no better than anyone else. Too much fairness (in the sense that you are using it) is a terrible thing.
I'm sorry but there isn't anyone who makes me look good. I do a good job of that myself. No one has EVER "bailed me out.

Again, sorry but those who were once "above and beyond", like myself are not longer because it only lead to more work for no more pay.

I have seen countless people receive "perks", not because they were above and beyond but because they were brown nosers. They get buddy, buddy with management while people like me just want to punch in, do their job and punch out.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I have seen countless people receive "perks", not because they were above and beyond but because they were brown nosers. They get buddy, buddy with management while people like me just want to punch in, do their job and punch out.
So you're upset that there is a privileged class that receives perks. You understand what gets them perks, but are unwilling to do so for yourself. It sounds like you're choosing not to obtain the perks. If you want special treatment, earn it like the ones that have. Getting buddy buddy with management is a skill like any other, in this case it's probably more valuable than being a good courier. Recognize the system and use it to your advantage, don't whine about inequality and not take steps to gain yourself a share of the available benefits.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I'm sorry but there isn't anyone who makes me look good. I do a good job of that myself. No one has EVER "bailed me out.

Um, that was in reference to what a manager would do for his employees who make him look or bail him out of a tight spot. But thanks for playing.

Again, sorry but those who were once "above and beyond", like myself are not longer because it only lead to more work for no more pay.

I have seen countless people receive "perks", not because they were above and beyond but because they were brown nosers. They get buddy, buddy with management while people like me just want to punch in, do their job and punch out.

So the average guy who just punches in, works, and goes home gets treated just like an average guy who punches in, works, and goes home. Amazing how that works.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
So you're upset that there is a privileged class that receives perks. You understand what gets them perks, but are unwilling to do so for yourself. It sounds like you're choosing not to obtain the perks. If you want special treatment, earn it like the ones that have. Getting buddy buddy with management is a skill like any other, in this case it's probably more valuable than being a good courier. Recognize the system and use it to your advantage, don't whine about inequality and not take steps to gain yourself a share of the available benefits.

There's a mindset among some of the "I just want to punch in, do my job, and punch out" people that anyone who is on good terms with management or who takes a more active role in operations is a brown noser.


Well-Known Member
There's a mindset among some of the "I just want to punch in, do my job, and punch out" people that anyone who is on good terms with management or who takes a more active role in operations is a brown noser.
I've seen mgrs' buddies get away with milking, etc many times over the years. Same mgrs would come down really hard on the rest of us for minor things. There is a mindset amongst the pro-management crowd that mgrs always act responsibly and fairly. Some do, love to work for them. Many don't.


I've seen mgrs' buddies get away with milking, etc many times over the years. Same mgrs would come down really hard on the rest of us for minor things. There is a mindset amongst the pro-management crowd that mgrs always act responsibly and fairly. Some do, love to work for them. Many don't.
I'm guessing Dano is one of the many.;)