part time shifting question please help


Well-Known Member
once again we have a union "know it all" as we usually refer to as a ":censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: house lawyer"(swift). They like to repeat everything they hear even if they dont know if it is true or not. these people like to start and spred rumors. I bet swift knows all about the new contract even though they have never seen it. The annual bid sheet that i signed was not the annual bid sheet that you talk about the one you talk of is the one that is put out for the pt hub workers the one i signed was the one that only pt shifters were allowed to sign and at the top read "annual part time bid list" which led me to believe that UPS finally got there head out there ass and allowed us to bid our start time "annually". and hell i speak and write english and to me annual means yearly. As far as your recollection on us jax pt shifters bidding just 12 months ago you are right but like i said the bid list i signed said "annual". Also there were many more than 1 person who changed there start times. As far as me not being in the union your right there a bunch of crooked ass bastards anyway. I hope you feel good about paying for other companies employees retirementall those years. im glad ups has controll of my money. Which would you rather have control of your money a fortune 500 company like ups or a bunch of thieves like the teamsters? oh never mind you made up your mind didn't you. August 97 i remember quite well i was catching over head surf in costa rica while you :censored2: was on that pickett line. Ya'll sure took care of things why would you need my help i wouldnt ask for yours. the only "STEWARTS" that has helped me was BILL STEWART the shaper of my 9'6" hydro hull. The word you were trying to spell was "STEWARD".If you had any kind of education you would know this. The funny part is you probally are a "STEWART" A real ":censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2: House Lawyer". I know UPS is a growing company but we really do not need to bring ebonics into it. "STEWARTS" use spell-check or a dictionary what a :censored2:!!!!!! and while im on a roll 3ts i dont think you understand either the top of the bid sheet read annual part time bid list. I came here to get some help but it seems that all i get is smart ass comments from :censored2: people but what should i expect from a bunch of clowns like swift "i heard i heard i heard" maybe you should of been listening in english class.THINK FIRST

File a grievance...oh..:sick:

Try being nicer and we'll try being smarter, oke?


New Member
it appears the backeruper is hostile...Hmmm twice in his last reply he said he would not ask for help-why is he on here...Spell check at least you did catch my intentional mis spelling....But I believe probably has 2 b's so perhaps you should visit spell check yourself...Better yet stay part time as we dont need foul mouth,non union idiots in the full time ranks:nono2: as we have enough in management already(not all but some are)....friend.Y.I. I have a copy of the new contract...Costa Rica :surfing: if you have a successfull business,why didn t you stay....Perhaps if you put down your BONG long enough you would see the real answers....Could that be the reason for 15 years part time when many jobs have been created....Crawl back under your BONG and go to sleep:sleeping2:


does anyone know if part time shifters re bid their start times every year as the full time shifters do. i work at a large hub in florida and have been shifting for 15 years and the part time shifters have only re bid their start times 3 times and the last bid sheet i signed said "anual part time bid list" but when this year came along there was no bid sheet. i just wanted to know if that was the way it was done in other parts of the country

Bidding annually or semi annual is only done with full time jobs. I've never seen a semi or annual bid for part time jobs.


APWA Hater
In my opinion the shifting should be done by "FULLTIME" employees as there is more team work when full time..

People like you are why the union is falling apart from the inside. Your class of "fulltimers" thinks you are all high and mighty, but you are not.

Get the hell over yourself; wow-ie you're a full timer. Keep alienating the part-timers, pretty soon you won't have a union left at all and your pension checks will stop. The full timers think you are better than everyone else, that leads to part timers not caring about anything (a lot of you cry that the new contract passed with flying colors and you blame a "fixed election", no it's because the part timers once again didn't vote). People like you are like a cancer on our union.

On the thread's topic, it is done by seniority in the southern region for part time starting times.

You have a gripe if:
1)there is a junior shifter on your shift starting before/after you. You get dibs on start times. If they start everyone at the same time, you don't have a gripe.
2)If junior employees are getting more hours than you.

The ECS clerks in my hub were complaining because of the hours getting cut for obvious reasons, and out of 9 of them - the start times were done in seniority order. The three most senior got 5:15,5:30pm and 5:45pm start times. The remaining all got 6pm start times.


APWA Hater
it appears the backeruper is hostile...Hmmm twice in his last reply he said he would not ask for help-why is he on here...Spell check at least you did catch my intentional mis spelling....But I believe probably has 2 b's so perhaps you should visit spell check yourself...Better yet stay part time as we dont need foul mouth,non union idiots in the full time ranks:nono2: as we have enough in management already(not all but some are)....friend.Y.I. I have a copy of the new contract...Costa Rica :surfing: if you have a successfull business,why didn t you stay....Perhaps if you put down your BONG long enough you would see the real answers....Could that be the reason for 15 years part time when many jobs have been created....Crawl back under your BONG and go to sleep:sleeping2:

Look spell check grammar police: Pot, meet kettle. Many third graders have better spelling and English language usage than you do. How proud you must be to be a big shot full-timer. I can imagine your grandkids "Wow grandpa what did you do all your life?" "Well, I yelled at someone on a message board to make me feel better about delivering boxes my entire career."