Place Your Bets!


Well-Known Member
The federal conviction rate is 93 percent, and yet Roger Stone professes that he will stand trial.

He really must think he is innocent if he only has a seven percent chance of being exonerated.

How do you think this will turn out for him?

El Correcto

god is dead
Well seeing as they are just pulling everyone in on trumped up charges of lying to the fbi and then going on a fishing expedition for archaic legal laws like the logan act, their taxes or campaign finance I’d imagine his trial will be similar.

They’ll probably throw a bunch of charges his way some justified and some not then plea deal out somehow involving the trump campaign in his testimony with the Wikileaks thing. Nothing illegal just a :censored2: you to trump and to justify their failing investigation.


Well-Known Member
The federal conviction rate is 93 percent, and yet Roger Stone professes that he will stand trial.

He really must think he is innocent if he only has a seven percent chance of being exonerated.

How do you think this will turn out for him?
yea theres something wrong with justice in america related to this topic of conviction rates. alot of people accept guilt when they are not because the way the system is set up

El Correcto

god is dead
If he had just answered question through a lawyer or remained silent I doubt they would even have grounds to arrest him. Instead he had to run his mouth to the fbi tripped up and got charged with lying.

El Correcto

god is dead
The only way they can force a testimony from someone is similar what they would do to heavy mobsters back in the day to get around the fifth amendment. They would give them immunity and then subpoena their testimonies. If they didn’t cooperate at that point they’d be held in contempt and locked up till they did.

Instead of forcing their hands these idiots keep “cooperating” instead of just giving them the honest answer of :censored2: yourselves.

Dollar Chasing

Well-Known Member
If he had just answered question through a lawyer or remained silent I doubt they would even have grounds to arrest him. Instead he had to run his mouth to the fbi tripped up and got charged with lying.
Imagine what the world would be like if these people didn’t break the law in the first place, giving them no reason not to tell the truth, which is what gets them in trouble. Defending them just makes you look ridiculous, especially when you put it like you did just now.

El Correcto

god is dead
Imagine what the world would be like if these people didn’t break the law in the first place, giving them no reason not to tell the truth, which is what gets them in trouble. Defending them just makes you look ridiculous, especially when you put it like you did just now.
I’m not saying either way. I’ve just learned the benefits of keeping your mouth shut to begin with and pleading not guilty to any charges.


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying either way. I’ve just learned the benefits of keeping your mouth shut to begin with and pleading not guilty to any charges.

How have you learned this life lesson? Have you ever been charged with a crime or have been taken into custody?


Well-Known Member
So you’re saying the initial charges were a precursor to something more serious?

I think Mueller is more interested in who Stone talked to via Whatsapp, or whatever it’s called.

Stone can sit and ponder life in jail until he gives up his passwords, in which case his statements will be true:

He wouldn’t be bearing false witness against Trump (wtf, is Trump his God?!?)...


Retired 23 years
I think Mueller is more interested in who Stone talked to via Whatsapp, or whatever it’s called.

Stone can sit and ponder life in jail until he gives up his passwords, in which case his statements will be true:

He wouldn’t be bearing false witness against Trump (wtf, is Trump his God?!?)...

Who in hell knows all there passwords. I have dozens of them and can never remember which one is needed for what without the help of my cheat sheet. Lose the cheat sheet-problem solved


Well-Known Member
Who in hell knows all there passwords. I have dozens of them and can never remember which one is needed for what without the help of my cheat sheet. Lose the cheat sheet-problem solved

Yah, I started a system with numbers and fruit, promptly forgot the system, oh well.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yah, I started a system with numbers and fruit, promptly forgot the system, oh well.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It was all so easy back in 2000 when I had ONE password for everything.
There are apps for that now. You have one password and they’ll generate random crazy ones for every different site and remember them for you. I’ve never used them so not sure how well it works out.

El Correcto

god is dead
Well seeing as they are just pulling everyone in on trumped up charges of lying to the fbi and then going on a fishing expedition for archaic legal laws like the logan act, their taxes or campaign finance I’d imagine his trial will be similar.

They’ll probably throw a bunch of charges his way some justified and some not then plea deal out somehow involving the trump campaign in his testimony with the Wikileaks thing. Nothing illegal just a :censored2: you to trump and to justify their failing investigation.
This is correct and hurts y’all feelings.