Populist Indeed!


Engorged Member
How about we leave it up to the scientists and science teachers as to what gets taught in a science class?
Evolutionary theory is central to our understanding of biology, microbiology, genetics, germ theory, etc. You really can't teach one without the other. Once again, how about we leave it to the scientists? Its not about winning or compromise, its about teaching science in science class.

Creationism is the ultimate alternative fact.


Well-Known Member
Another dyed in the wool conservative but in the end you'll be signing up for Social security Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your money's gone. Unemployment compensation when you lose your job through no fault of your own. You know, the programs we evil communist, socialist pinko progressive's fought the Republicans tooth and nail to get passed. Your wages going up? Not if you are employed by nonunion X or an XGround contractor. They and they alone decide your wages. Likewise we damn near got Pudzner as labor secretary who publicly stated his goal to eliminate the federal minimum wage had 60 federal wage and labor law violations on his resume and was quoted as calling blue collar workers as was pointed out earlier....' the worst of the worst". You're like Van. You talk the talk but won't walk the walk. You don't have to accept those federal benefits if you don't believe in them. And don't give me that " well I paid into them BS" If your conservative convictions are as strong as you profess then put them into actions not just words.


Well-Known Member
Notice something? Not a single word about conservatives not be worthy of SS benefits. My comments were clearly focused on the continuous attacks on labor laws and social programs from the right and exist to this very day despite the fact that they continuously fail to create a better alternative.

Notice in particular what I said at the end. If you don't believe in these federal programs meaning that if you're conservative convictions are in conflict with those programs you are in no way shape or form obligated to enroll in them.


Well-Known Member
Notice something? Not a single word about conservatives not be worthy of SS benefits. My comments were clearly focused on the continuous attacks on labor laws and social programs from the right and exist to this very day despite the fact that they continuously fail to create a better alternative.

Notice in particular what I said at the end. If you don't believe in these federal programs meaning that if you're conservative convictions are in conflict with those programs you are in no way shape or form obligated to enroll in them.
Uh-huh. In the past you told me if I was a real conservative I wouldn't take SS or Medicare. That since Republicans are so against the programs they shouldn't receive them, only Democrats. But Republicans of course should still have to contribute.


Inordinately Right
Notice in particular what I said at the end. If you don't believe in these federal programs meaning that if you're conservative convictions are in conflict with those programs you are in no way shape or form obligated to enroll in them.
That's a lie.
I did not enroll to have this money taken from my paycheck. Stop lying.


Well-Known Member
The real test of Trump's ability to govern will come when Russia launches a full scale invasion of Ukraine. The first step in Putin's plainly stated plan to regain total control over the old Warsaw Pact countries. This may in turn require Trump to reinstate the draft not just the registration part of it but people male and female suddenly finding themselves in Europe carrying a gun. The stock market as a result will tank and the economy especially in Europe right along with it. Will the Jarrod Kurchner's of the nation be the one's to fight WWIII ? Of course not. It will the poor white kids from the rural areas, the poor inner city black kids and the poor Hispanic kids from the barrios. Let's see what happen to Trump's 38% voting block when their kids start rolling off the back of a C130 in a flag draped box. Impossible you say? There are whispers of impeachment floating around the GOP already and if there is a full scale Watergate style constitutional crisis and emboldened Putin may try to take advantage of it
Holy hell this is hilarious. He was just talking about the wrong president. Six years to soon 😂😂😂😂😂😂 how is one human being who thinks he’s so smart so wrong all the time?


Well-Known Member
Uh-huh. In the past you told me if I was a real conservative I wouldn't take SS or Medicare. That since Republicans are so against the programs they shouldn't receive them, only Democrats. But Republicans of course should still have to contribute.
Show me where I specifically said that. If the Hard Right succeeds in it's drive to repeal and or defund those programs there won't be any programs for Republicans to apply for. Then we'll se what they have to say.


Well-Known Member
Holy hell this is hilarious. He was just talking about the wrong president. Six years to soon 😂😂😂😂😂😂 how is one human being who thinks he’s so smart so wrong all the time?
Here it is 6 years later and what do we find.
1. Putin invades Ukraine. Poland is on watch for Wagner insurgents dressed as civilians trying to slip into the country while
US and Russian aircraft play a dangerous game of chicken over Syria and the Bering Sea
2. Finland and Sweden for decades militarily independent couldn't get in NATO fast enough,
3. Riots in France over the decision to raise the retirement age to 64 to maintain solvency of pension fund as population ages.
4. US increases US support for NATO by 20,000 additional forces.
5.. US Army enlistment quota falls 15,000 short. Navy 6000 Air Force 5000
6. Trump attempts to blackmail Zelensky by withholding aid unless he can uncover "dirt" on Biden.

All things considered I wasn't too far off.


Well-Known Member
Here it is 6 years later and what do we find.
1. Putin invades Ukraine. Poland is on watch for Wagner insurgents dressed as civilians trying to slip into the country while
US and Russian aircraft play a dangerous game of chicken over Syria and the Bering Sea
2. Finland and Sweden for decades militarily independent couldn't get in NATO fast enough,
3. Riots in France over the decision to raise the retirement age to 64 to maintain solvency of pension fund as population ages.
4. US increases US support for NATO by 20,000 additional forces.
5.. US Army enlistment quota falls 15,000 short. Navy 6000 Air Force 5000
6. Trump attempts to blackmail Zelensky by withholding aid unless he can uncover "dirt" on Biden.

All things considered I wasn't too far off.
As I recall you said Trump and the Republicans were going to roll back all those Democratic programs. Didn't happen.

Putin didn't invade anyone during Trump's term.

Biden is on video threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine unless Zelensky fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was giving Hunter millions to serve on their board. FBI informant said that company's exec's had given Joe and Hunter $5 million each. All Trump did was ask Zelensky to look into Biden connected corruption which there's 100% certainty is extraordinary corruption.

Guess what? Make the military woke, push cross dressing officers as special, and recruitment goes down. Shocking.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
As I recall you said Trump and the Republicans were going to roll back all those Democratic programs. Didn't happen.

Putin didn't invade anyone during Trump's term.

Biden is on video threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine unless Zelensky fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was giving Hunter millions to serve on their board. FBI informant said that company's exec's had given Joe and Hunter $5 million each. All Trump did was ask Zelensky to look into Biden connected corruption which there's 100% certainty is extraordinary corruption.

Guess what? Make the military woke, push cross dressing officers as special, and recruitment goes down. Shocking.
Democrats suck


Well-Known Member
Here it is 6 years later and what do we find.
1. Putin invades Ukraine. Poland is on watch for Wagner insurgents dressed as civilians trying to slip into the country while
US and Russian aircraft play a dangerous game of chicken over Syria and the Bering Sea
2. Finland and Sweden for decades militarily independent couldn't get in NATO fast enough,
3. Riots in France over the decision to raise the retirement age to 64 to maintain solvency of pension fund as population ages.
4. US increases US support for NATO by 20,000 additional forces.
5.. US Army enlistment quota falls 15,000 short. Navy 6000 Air Force 5000
6. Trump attempts to blackmail Zelensky by withholding aid unless he can uncover "dirt" on Biden.

All things considered I wasn't too far off.
Yep, just six years and the wrong president but you were close….. said no one ever
Here it is 6 years later and what do we find.
1. Putin invades Ukraine. Poland is on watch for Wagner insurgents dressed as civilians trying to slip into the country while
US and Russian aircraft play a dangerous game of chicken over Syria and the Bering Sea
2. Finland and Sweden for decades militarily independent couldn't get in NATO fast enough,
3. Riots in France over the decision to raise the retirement age to 64 to maintain solvency of pension fund as population ages.
4. US increases US support for NATO by 20,000 additional forces.
5.. US Army enlistment quota falls 15,000 short. Navy 6000 Air Force 5000
6. Trump attempts to blackmail Zelensky by withholding aid unless he can uncover "dirt" on Biden.

All things considered I wasn't too far off.
Fact: Trump was the most peaceful foreign policy President since Carter/Ford


Well-Known Member
As I recall you said Trump and the Republicans were going to roll back all those Democratic programs. Didn't happen.

Putin didn't invade anyone during Trump's term.

Biden is on video threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine unless Zelensky fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company that was giving Hunter millions to serve on their board. FBI informant said that company's exec's had given Joe and Hunter $5 million each. All Trump did was ask Zelensky to look into Biden connected corruption which there's 100% certainty is extraordinary corruption.

Guess what? Make the military woke, push cross dressing officers as special, and recruitment goes down. Shocking.
Why? Because public push back especially from states who would have to find a way to close the funding gap is why the votes weren't there. In fact it was McCain who voted against killing the ACA because Trump and McConnell failed to fulfill their promise of "repeal and replace with something better