President Biden

El Correcto

god is dead
It's ok, the Supreme Court basically decided that no government employee can ever be sued by a citizen for violating their civil rights.
And the left like RickyB think right wing minded people aren’t mindful of law enforcement’s authority. It is always worth calling attention to any smoke when it comes to people’s right being violated.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's ok, the Supreme Court basically decided that no government employee can ever be sued by a citizen for violating their civil rights.
I kind of agree border patrol shouldn’t resort to physical intimidation on people. Even if they are some piece of :censored2: human trafficker.

You either got the dead to rights and arrest them with all necessary force or you don’t. Quit wasting my tax dollars on useless lawsuits being an unprofessional prick.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Meanwhile the Idiot in charge is on the late night "comedy" show saying the country is doing great. What a clown

Inflation hits fresh 40-year high in May with consumer prices surging 8.6%​



Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Just too stupid to know the difference between too, to and two 😃

Ha! I swear. You liberals are fugging amazing. You try to make a "point" by illustrating, what you feel, someone's intellectual shortcomings by calling them, "stupid" YET you're the people who voted for, AND SUPPORT, the all time worst POTUS in the history of America.
You, sir, are a weak minded individual with questionable mental capacity and a bunch of other undesirable traits.
Get better.

Who’s more stupid?

- Someone who doesn’t know the difference between too, to and two.

-Someone who would vote for Biden again in 2024.

Nail meet hammer.