President Biden


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.

I think there might be a bit more to this than just finding out if Hunter used drugs.

We have had 6 yrs of spending while investigating the Trump family and that seemed to not be a concern about hurting the Inflation Reduction Act so I don’t see how 6 yrs of investigating the Biden family will hinder the Inflation Reduction Act. I’m sure with this great Act it will be impossible for inflation to rise. I’ll thank Joe in advance for the success of it. Thanks Joe!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.

The Republicans should get a crack at an expensive investigation or two.

And let us not forget that Biden just tried to spend 400,000,000,000 to buy the former college and graduate student vote.


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.
Didn't your side just run a billion dollar one sided kangaroo court to tell us trump is not a nice man?


Bad Moon Risen'
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.
Appears that's the new political norm. Hopefully they can multitask and come up with some ideas to do the peoples business at the same time.