President Biden


Well-Known Member
First they are going to monkey with the debt ceiling. That will be super helpful.
With the hike in interest rates the Federal government has gone from paying virtually nothing in interest on the national debt to now having to come up with close to half a trillion a year to service the debt. And that will rise with future Fed hikes. The thing is it's like the frog that gets boiled alive as the temperature rises. No one seemed to take seriously what economists and major investors were saying was inevitable. Now it's here. You want to raise the debt ceiling. The last thing we need is more debt. Americans better get used to getting less out of the government because hard choices have to be made. If they don't then the government collapses and with it the world economy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well it looks like that House GOP has settled on a strategy to lower inflation; spend $30,000,000 of your money to tell us that an admitted drug addict was indeed a drug addict. Price of lettuce next year will plummet to a nickel.
The Republicans should get a crack at an expensive investigation or two.

And let us not forget that Biden just tried to spend 400,000,000,000 to buy the former college and graduate student vote.
How much did all those Benghazi Hearings cost?




Well-Known Member
Because you guys ran the last campaign screaming about ECONOMY! GAS PRICES! INFLATION! IMMIGRATION! STREET CRIME! and then the moment you have control of the House none of that matters.
We were trying to get control of the Senate too to send bills to Biden to sign but with only control of the House the Republicans can really only do two things, stop the spending and hold hearings. Of course all that matters but if the majority of voters won't give Republicans control of both houses then this is what we're stuck with.


Well-Known Member
We were trying to get control of the Senate too to send bills to Biden to sign but with only control of the House the Republicans can really only do two things, stop the spending and hold hearings. Of course all that matters but if the majority of voters won't give Republicans control of both houses then this is what we're stuck with.
Less spending that way. Less spending less inflation. All good

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Body might be failing him but his brain is sharp as a tack.:wink-very: