President Trump


"The best short-cut is to take the long way."
It's pretty ridiculous, you would have a rant composed and ready if Obama had been photographed in that'd be screaming Muslim Brotherhood etc.

Your hypocricy is galling.
your stupidity is appalling .

sorry, was that mean ...

obuma is gone and hillary lost; yah cry baby. you have 8 years to get over it .


Well-Known Member
presidents typically find some place to go on the weekends to get away from the white house.
Quit making nonsense up. What drumpf is doing is nowhere close to "typical" as you say.

From an article about a month old-

"Of the 94 days he has been president, he has spent all or part of his time at Trump-branded properties on 33 of them, or an average of once every 2.8 days.

He has visited one of his private properties on at least one day during each of the past 12 weekends. On Saturday, he had dinner at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, his second such visit since being inaugurated and his fourth this year."

Trump visits a Trump-branded property for the 12th weekend in a row

White House defends millions spent on Trump's weekend travel

Quit trying to support your golden (shower) boy, who was elected by goofs.


Well-Known Member
Quit making nonsense up. What drumpf is doing is nowhere close to "typical" as you say.

Quit trying to support your golden (shower) boy, who was elected by goofs.

I'm sorry the truth hurt your feelings snowflake, may I direct you to your sanctuary room now? there is a lot more info out there that supports my point that trump is the only president to have his weekend trips receive such scrutiny. Obama caught hell for his extravagant summer vactions but his weekend jaunts were never itemized.

summer homes a long history Presidential Summer Homes: 7 Extravagant, Odd Places Where POTUSes Have Gone To Relax (PHOTOS) | HuffPost

weekend homes not counting camp david ?

Presidents’ Weekend Homes Away from the White House - Mansion Global

did you know camp david for the weekend also costs the taxpayer extra money?

Camp David | A History of the Presidential Retreat

by the way when you accuse someone of making things up its probably a good idea not to use made up information in your attack.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry the truth hurt your feelings snowflake, may I direct you to your sanctuary room now? there is a lot more info out there that supports my point that trump is the only president to have his weekend trips receive such scrutiny. Obama caught hell for his extravagant summer vactions but his weekend jaunts were never itemized.

summer homes a long history Presidential Summer Homes: 7 Extravagant, Odd Places Where POTUSes Have Gone To Relax (PHOTOS) | HuffPost

weekend homes not counting camp david ?

Presidents’ Weekend Homes Away from the White House - Mansion Global

did you know camp david for the weekend also costs the taxpayer extra money?

Camp David | A History of the Presidential Retreat

by the way when you accuse someone of making things up its probably a good idea not to use made up information in your attack.
This is a joke. When you try to act intellectually superior, you come off as an idiot, because words.


Inordinately Right