President Trump


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Your comebacks sound like a kid in junior high school. Sorry. I guess they call you kids Middle School now.

I really do not want to be offensive, I really don't..But why did you select as your B/C surname as "PT Car Washer"?

That is like somebody listing themselves as a "PT Supervisor" and being taken seriously on this site...


Just a turd


Just a turd
This really does sum up democrats quite well.
Look at how evil America is!
It’s mostly a long list of the democrat party’s atrocities.
Because nobody voted for Republicans in the past because they sucked everytime the got elected into office, kind of like now. When's the last time the country was in better shape when a Republican left office?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Because nobody voted for Republicans in the past because they sucked everytime the got elected into office, kind of like now. When's the last time the country was in better shape when a Republican left office?
Which is how trump came into power. No one wanted a real Republican during the primaries. And then he couldn't get a majority of American voters to vote for him. Does anyone really believe he will do better this election?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Israel has a good GDP because American taxpayers have funded that nation for decades. American politicians keep sending money to a nation that somehow has a good economy. Stop sending money to Israel! America First!