President Trump


Well-Known Member
Its never been about caring about black people, or an actual threat of white supremacists. Thats just where the goal posts have been set. You are either for this, or for that sort of arena has been set. So if youre not for this, then you must be for that. When in reality, caring about black people OR tackling white supremacy isnt a part of either true agenda. Its just a manipulation tactic as always. It keeps people on wild goose chases for 11 hill billy white supremacists that dont do anything except sit around and talk about how much better they are than black ppl and at each others throats rather than paying attention to what the politicians are really doing.

But this requires a sense of self-honesty that many are too blinded by hatred to possess. Forgetting just in 4 years how Obama did nothing for the black community, how every democrat run city and state is an absolute shizzhole with roads that look like they were last maintained in the 1930s because the politicians are too busy pocketing funds and paying off friends to do work that they never do. This is why I adopted the Inherit Justice model of karma. Many people will shackle themselves and beg for you to throw away the key for them
ur right about obama. american infrastructure is :censored2: because of empire not because of politicians pocketing money.


Well-Known Member
ur right about obama. american infrastructure is :censored2: because of empire not because of politicians pocketing money.

I def think that its because of politicians pocketing money. That money gets paid in the form of taxes every year, and is allocated for repairs that never take place. When I was a kid, when there was far less money being paid in taxes, we had it all. Roads were repaired seemingly monthly, usually overnight to not obstruct the flow of traffic. Street sweepers keeping the city clean every Thursday. Mosquito sprayers driving around in the summer time so people could sit outside and enjoy the season without being eaten alive. Once the democraps took control its all gone to hell as expected. Now theres heroin needles on the street. Maybe a street sweep once every 6 months. No mosquito spraying. Roads that havent been repaired since I was in high school that just keep getting worse and worse. Sinkholes that go unrepaired. Ditches that are overgrown with full blown trees because the city never maintained them so now the streets flood due to lack of drainage. It looks more and more like the third world every month.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I def think that its because of politicians pocketing money. That money gets paid in the form of taxes every year, and is allocated for repairs that never take place. When I was a kid, when there was far less money being paid in taxes, we had it all. Roads were repaired seemingly monthly, usually overnight to not obstruct the flow of traffic. Street sweepers keeping the city clean every Thursday. Mosquito sprayers driving around in the summer time so people could sit outside and enjoy the season without being eaten alive. Once the democraps took control its all gone to hell as expected. Now theres heroin needles on the street. Maybe a street sweep once every 6 months. No mosquito spraying. Roads that havent been repaired since I was in high school that just keep getting worse and worse. Sinkholes that go unrepaired. Ditches that are overgrown with full blown trees because the city never maintained them so now the streets flood due to lack of drainage. It looks more and more like the third world every month.
The mosquito spraying was DDT ... not good for birds (like the Condor) or us I imagine.

I remember chasing the Mosquito Spray truck ... I should be dead!



Well-Known Member
I def think that its because of politicians pocketing money. That money gets paid in the form of taxes every year, and is allocated for repairs that never take place. When I was a kid, when there was far less money being paid in taxes, we had it all. Roads were repaired seemingly monthly, usually overnight to not obstruct the flow of traffic. Street sweepers keeping the city clean every Thursday. Mosquito sprayers driving around in the summer time so people could sit outside and enjoy the season without being eaten alive. Once the democraps took control its all gone to hell as expected. Now theres heroin needles on the street. Maybe a street sweep once every 6 months. No mosquito spraying. Roads that havent been repaired since I was in high school that just keep getting worse and worse. Sinkholes that go unrepaired. Ditches that are overgrown with full blown trees because the city never maintained them so now the streets flood due to lack of drainage. It looks more and more like the third world every month.
i think its empire spending and neoliberalism. neoliberalism i think started in the 1970s and basically they cut govt spending on public, cut taxes on teh rich and privatize. plus the govt doesnt work anymore. it used to. but now its captured by money (democrats too) and im not sure what else.




Well-Known Member

Trump supporters supposedly intimidating voters in Virginia. They sure look peaceful and orderly to me. Why would people holding Trump flags intimidate anyone? Silly people. So overly sensitive.
Polling places are to be free of that crap . Ttku...


Well-Known Member
As i think about this some more I'm wondering if you have ever gone to vote. There are always groups stating their political opinion outside of whatever distance criteria set.

Yep. Every time. We even have folks who patrol the stations with CCWs to make sure no one is intimidating the elderly. They just drive by and observe. I remember back in 08' when the Black Panthers tried to stand outside polling stations open-carrying. That didnt end well for them lel. It would go even worse for them this time around now that we have an ACTUAL President.