President Trump


Well-Known Member
Because you said so? LOL

I haven't really defended him, I just said I like his results.
I haven't defended any of his rancor or Tweets.
He is funny as hell, even though I don't like him and never have.

I do think he is a breath of fresh air after Obama, whom I genuinely liked.
I say that because I thought Obama, more so than any other President, did not respect the Constitution.
If you think Drumpf respects the Constitution, you really do need a shrink.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I just kept lookin' at it and thought I'd fix it for me.

The rancor, the tweets, the constant hype, the arrogance, constant controversy,brings crap on himself, is part of what I like about him.
Amazing results with everything swirling around him 24/7.
What you see is what we got. For all his obvious shortcomings ( and he don't care ), best leader this country has had in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
You mean I have White privilege too? Well I'll be a monkey butt's uncle! :)

white privilege is the double bonus. and its all inclusive.

its not enough to accuse whites of being racist but we must also include those who may not be racist by creating the benefit theory of privilege . Now you become a passive racist who engages in racism by benefiting from the color of your skin.


Well-Known Member
white privilege is the double bonus. and its all inclusive.

its not enough to accuse whites of being racist but we must also include those who may not be racist by creating the benefit theory of privilege . Now you become a passive racist who engages in racism by benefiting from the color of your skin.
In other words, damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Newfman..thanks. I will rest tonight for sure.
I have been worried sick over what I'm supposed to be feeling guilty about and I didn't know. I'm a passive racist.
I know now I have had the privileged life because I AM WHITE. Thanks again.
Will..will I always be this color?

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