President Trump


actually it was Marines United Forever, not that you'd know anything about them...


Marines Forever was 25 minutes after Conservative Veterans for America.


Well-Known Member
Interesting read.
Does make you think about it.
I don't feel any 'safer' about Trump after reading.

He's hitting all the marks, that's for sure.

Honestly I care less about Trump than all the whisperers in his ear - aside from his limited attention span, it seems to me that he's a perfect Republican President, precisely because of his limited attention span.

The Paul Ryans of the world want a vapid figurehead as President so they can...what, kill SS and Medicare? Shift the tax burden from the rich to the poor?

IDK, but Trump seemed surprised by the details of certain executive orders he signed. Oops.

I look forward to the day when the Donald realizes he's being played.

The Donald doesn't like being played!


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton has never been pro-cannabis but Trump offered words that suggested he was neutral or let it be and the States deal with it. When Sessions became AG, Trump's words seemed to disappear as Sessions was even more hawkish against cannabis than Hillary. At the very least equal too. Some level of Trump support came as a result of his "let cannabis be" rhetoric but if this Sessions policy is pursued, Trump may see his support erode even further than the typical stereotype cannabis crowd. A lot of average folk think at the least that cannabis has medicinal value worth researching. Should Sessions start to take a strong hand against cannabis, as I think he will, the reaction might be far more than what they are willing to bargain for. Trump has enough enemies to occupy his time now and my advice would be to not grow that number but so far Trump hasn't impressed me to be that smart. His ego and arrogance are just to big and like a spoiled child, he can't handle not getting his way. Trump is starting to make Nixon's own narcissism and paranoia the epitome of humility. Sessions appears just as bad if not worse.

Sessions Reviewing Whether to Crack Down on Marijuana Possession


Hillary Clinton has never been pro-cannabis but Trump offered words that suggested he was neutral or let it be and the States deal with it. When Sessions became AG, Trump's words seemed to disappear as Sessions was even more hawkish against cannabis than Hillary. At the very least equal too. Some level of Trump support came as a result of his "let cannabis be" rhetoric but if this Sessions policy is pursued, Trump may see his support erode even further than the typical stereotype cannabis crowd. A lot of average folk think at the least that cannabis has medicinal value worth researching. Should Sessions start to take a strong hand against cannabis, as I think he will, the reaction might be far more than what they are willing to bargain for. Trump has enough enemies to occupy his time now and my advice would be to not grow that number but so far Trump hasn't impressed me to be that smart. His ego and arrogance are just to big and like a spoiled child, he can't handle not getting his way. Trump is starting to make Nixon's own narcissism and paranoia the epitome of humility. Sessions appears just as bad if not worse.

Sessions Reviewing Whether to Crack Down on Marijuana Possession



You might save that on your computer so when a democrat becomes President you can use it again. That is if honesty is a principle with you!
Seems that things were improving under the last Democrat. I have a hard time seeing the Democratic Party survive until 2020. I guess we'll have an idea in 2018.