

Hi, I am a driver's helper, I been working for close to 2 weeks now with the same driver.. My question is Are drivers helpers covered under workmen's comp? I tripped in a yard over those inflatable things, I seen the power cord, just did not see the black cord attached to stake, I twisted my knee, I thought it was nothing.. I been working since, but now my knee has been getting worse everyday,, I am wondering if helpers get any assistance in seeing a Dr?? I am a healthy atheltic college student, and I just want to make sure this is nothing serious.. Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am a driver's helper, I been working for close to 2 weeks now with the same driver.. My question is Are drivers helpers covered under workmen's comp? I tripped in a yard over those inflatable things, I seen the power cord, just did not see the black cord attached to stake, I twisted my knee, I thought it was nothing.. I been working since, but now my knee has been getting worse everyday,, I am wondering if helpers get any assistance in seeing a Dr?? I am a healthy atheltic college student, and I just want to make sure this is nothing serious.. Any suggestions??

The answer is yes you are...did you tell your sup the day it happened? You need to call the injury in....then they will give you a comp number, go see your own doctor, NOT the compant doctor, then call a lawyer...don't be afraid they cannot fire you, it's the smart


Parceling the Fla coast
I believe you have to work 30 day's to be covered under any workman's comp benefit's. Check you local labor board it varies from state to state.....


I did not tell my driver about it when it happened, because I thought it was no biggie, I am a former soccer player, I played through worse, however now I can barely do steps, and barely made it through the route today,, I am a female, and I am afraid to say anything to show I am weak,,, I am strong, but today I fell getting into package car because I couldn't get my knee to get up,, driver asked if I was ok, I said fine,, I was just frustrated,, and tonight I am more frustrated,,, just not sure I can make it through two more days,, I don't want to quit...


Well-Known Member
I did not tell my driver about it when it happened, because I thought it was no biggie, I am a former soccer player, I played through worse, however now I can barely do steps, and barely made it through the route today,, I am a female, and I am afraid to say anything to show I am weak,,, I am strong, but today I fell getting into package car because I couldn't get my knee to get up,, driver asked if I was ok, I said fine,, I was just frustrated,, and tonight I am more frustrated,,, just not sure I can make it through two more days,, I don't want to quit...

Report it ASAP, call the line, goto your DOCTOR, and call a lawyer


Parceling the Fla coast
1'st don't say anything else about playing soccer because the company will say it's an old injury. Tomorrow when you are at work ask the driver you are helping or ask another driver for the Liberty Mutual injury hotline. They should be able to help you.If you are a helper that's reporting to work on property look around where the union board is. If you meet the driver on the street just ask him like I said before. If no luck I will look tomorrow when I'm at work and I will post it on here tomorrow night. Good Luck!!!!


Thanks, I called the call center, and told me to call the HR manager in the morning,, I am not going to work, I can barely walk, I pushed through today, but I think if I were to work more than I am really going to do damage,, I am suppose to start another job in January, and I have a work physical I must pass for it,, I am not sure how that is going to happen if this is something serious,,, this sucks...


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am a driver's helper, I been working for close to 2 weeks now with the same driver.. My question is Are drivers helpers covered under workmen's comp? I tripped in a yard over those inflatable things, I seen the power cord, just did not see the black cord attached to stake, I twisted my knee, I thought it was nothing.. I been working since, but now my knee has been getting worse everyday,, I am wondering if helpers get any assistance in seeing a Dr?? I am a healthy atheltic college student, and I just want to make sure this is nothing serious.. Any suggestions??

Did you mention it to your driver when you fell?

If you're are injured you need to report it to the center asap so you can see a doctor and get taken care of. You should be covered under workers comp as you got hurt on the job. Call the center now and explain to them what happened. They will probably have you go into the building and fill out a injury report. Then you can go to the clinic and get checked out.
Getting freaked out and getting a lawyer at this time is premature because you've not taken the steps to try and get help. If you meet resistance at that time then you have a different story.

Whoops, I posted this before seeing your last post, I know it sucks but hang in there.

Good luck!


I did not tell him when I first fell, he was down the street delievering a few packages, and when it happened it hurt, but it did not seem like a big deal. However the next few days have been very hard, and getting harder with getting out of package care,, My driver did see me fall getting into the package car today.. I called the center and they said to call tomorrow morning,, So we shall see what they say,, I really just want to not get in trouble with not working the rest of week, I was suppose to get a $100 bonus for working all the days require,, that was my goal, hoping I don't disqualify for that.. and I just want to checked out by a Dr,,


Retired 23 years
be prepared for a fight. The company will fight you at every turn. Don't sign nothing your lawyer don't ok.


Well-Known Member
Did you mention it to your driver when you fell?

If you're are injured you need to report it to the center asap so you can see a doctor and get taken care of. You should be covered under workers comp as you got hurt on the job. Call the center now and explain to them what happened. They will probably have you go into the building and fill out a injury report. Then you can go to the clinic and get checked out.
Getting freaked out and getting a lawyer at this time is premature because you've not taken the steps to try and get help. If you meet resistance at that time then you have a different story.

Whoops, I posted this before seeing your last post, I know it sucks but hang in there.

Good luck!

Do NOT goto their clinic that is crap, you go to your OWN doctor, not UPS's, those doctors tow the company line, call Liberty Mutual get your comp number go see your doctor and again, call your lawyer, if you don't have one, ask the union, Be prepared for your sups to agrue and prepare for a fight.....DO NOT AGREE or SIGN ANYTHING!!!!


Box Monkey
I tripped in a yard over those inflatable things, I seen the power cord, just .....

I understand you are frustrated about your accident but I have to poin this out since it is a very big pet peeve to me. The word "seen". Seen is to be used with the words have, has and had. You "saw" the cord, you did NOT "seen" it. Please do not abuse the English language anymore than our predecessors already have.

I apologize to anyone is bothered by this, but get over it.


Retired 23 years
I understand you are frustrated about your accident but I have to poin this out since it is a very big pet peeve to me. The word "seen". Seen is to be used with the words have, has and had. You "saw" the cord, you did NOT "seen" it. Please do not abuse the English language anymore than our predecessors already have.

I apologize to anyone is bothered by this, but get over it.
I ain't seen nuttin like this befo. :happy2:


I understand you are frustrated about your accident but I have to poin this out since it is a very big pet peeve to me. The word "seen". Seen is to be used with the words have, has and had. You "saw" the cord, you did NOT "seen" it. Please do not abuse the English language anymore than our predecessors already have.

I apologize to anyone is bothered by this, but get over it.
I like your post.
I am not sure of the motives of the original poster.


I understand you are frustrated about your accident but I have to poin this out since it is a very big pet peeve to me.
Grammar is important, but so is spelling.
Point is not spelled poin.
We all make simple mistakes.( I do often)
Also, the syntax of your sentence structure could be improved.
Having said all that, I am not really trying to jump on you.
Rod "got me" a couple of weeks ago on a spelling error, as a comeback.
It was a poignant reminder of how one can easily point out another's flaw, while overlooking their own.


Box Monkey
SD, I knew my misspelling would be caught. I actually did hit the "t" on the keyboard but I tend to miss some letters or misstroke due to the speed at which I type and also having a keyboard that is not very sensitive. Probably the biggest gripe about the laptop that I have at the moment.
Wow, six off topic post dealing with absolutely nothing that will help the injured driver helper. I had no idea this board had spelling and grammar police.
I understood what she meant from her first post. OK, now there are seven useless, off subject posts.