For those of you who are working as a PT package handler, what is the chance of working more than the 17-20 hours that is currently offered? Can you stay late to load a few more trucks, etc? I realize that this depends on how busy the individual center is, but what has your experience been? Thanks!
I am guessing you are a new hire or looking to apply at UPS... First thing is starting wage is $8.50 BUT if you are doing skilled work (loading package cars) then you get an extra $1.00...
You are guaranteed 3 1/2 hours minimum...
You get overtime for any time over five hours that day...
You should be able to get 4 hours every day...
As we get closer to peak the start times get earlier... you
may start going in at 3:00am (2:00am Christmas week) and work till 8:45am...
**** EXAMPLE ****
So if you are loading package cars December 17 through 21
Mon 3:00 to 8:30
Tue 3:15 to 8:45
Wed 3:00 to 9:00
Thu 2:30 to 9:00
Fri 2:30 to 8:30
29.5 hours total worked
25 x $9.50 = $237.50 Straight Pay
4.50 x $14.25 = $64.13 Overtime

301.63 Before Taxes
Most jobs you have to work OVER 40 hours to get overtime...