Retirement Getting Closer


You know how many bmw’s, land rovers, 70-80k trucks we have in the parking lot… some drivers are living high in the hog. My suv is damn near20 years old with 230k miles on it…going to run that bitch into the ground
its hard to get a truly cool car. best to avoid. my car could use remote start. thats all


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
My pension of 3K in 2009 should be $ 3,978.00 today if it kept up with inflation.
I don't grieve over that. These numbers were expected.
What my contributions to the pension fund, compared to what I have received and spent and plan on getting( who knows), is well beyond any inflation numbers. I've already won.
That's why my spend it all plan works!


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Was lucky enough to get my wife a used 2019 Jeep in April , was a dealer loaner car only 6k miles I paid 23000 for that ,, soon after they prices skyrocketed , all this Covid excuses


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You know how many bmw’s, land rovers, 70-80k trucks we have in the parking lot… some drivers are living high in the hog. My suv is damn near20 years old with 230k miles on it…going to run that bitch into the ground
My work car was the laughing stock of the center by the time I retired. Had it for 24 years.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Was lucky enough to get my wife a used 2019 Jeep in April , was a dealer loaner car only 6k miles I paid 23000 for that ,, soon after they prices skyrocketed , all this Covid excuses
I love when any customers stop me and start complaining. I just say sorry staffing shortages and covid! NO REFUND FOR YOU


Staff member
We always buy used cars, I read about people paying 70k for a new truck that just sounds crazy to me. We make good money at UPS but that's still a chunk of change.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Bought my truck brand new , 🤬 it ...been a long 6 years of high payments 🥴
last 3 used vehicles I bought turned into a nightmare.