Jonathon Freeloader

Well-Known Member
Can you help me calculate mine? I never logged in to see my "impact statement" on my UPSers to show me exactly where I would be on the pay scale
Last time around it was a mess at my hub, and probably nationwide too. Tons of people being underpaid, and surprisingly tons of people being overpaid as well. I'm actually going to go ahead and write up and print out copies of a handout that will tell people EXACTLY how to calculate their retro check and will make sure everyone knows that if they're underpaid to get with me immediately and file for the correct amount so that no one is screwed. On top of that as per Article 17 I'll tell everyone who is overpaid to notify the company immediately so that their liability ceases after 5 working days if the company doesn't respond to the notice of overpayment.


Can you help me calculate mine? I never logged in to see my "impact statement" on my UPSers to show me exactly where I would be on the pay scale



Well-Known Member
I for one don't care. I'll more than likely quit way before retro checks are ever given out. I'm sick of the lies and stringing out new drivers and employees. It's always you'll be driving next week blah blah blah. We can't afford to lose a driver blah blah blah. You know what it costs to train a driver? No and I really don't care. Do you know how many lies and bullcrap you feed employees when in fact none of it's true? I for one won't be an employee too much longee

Should have started 10 years ago. You snooze. You loose.


Well-Known Member
Can you help me calculate mine? I never logged in to see my "impact statement" on my UPSers to show me exactly where I would be on the pay scale
I don't know where you are as far as wage rate, part-time vs. full-time, out of progression or still in progression, etc. Without that information I can't determine what your back pay will be.


Active Member

So could you pay your bills under the old contract?
Yes, but after being hired as off the street as a driver and being fed and believing all the stuff from center manager and sups I'm slowly going backwards. I've been laid off more since August 1 then I've actually worked. Took from August 1 to middle of November just before peak to make seniorty. So it's time to move on.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
Yes, but after being hired as off the street as a driver and being fed and believing all the stuff from center manager and sups I'm slowly going backwards. I've been laid off more since August 1 then I've actually worked. Took from August 1 to middle of November just before peak to make seniorty. So it's time to move on.

Wow hired off the street so you didn’t have to wait your turn and you’re already looking to quit. Good riddance then. The first year is always the toughest. It’s called seniority bro.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
He’s brand spanking new. If you’re getting laid off then you’re in your first year. Everyone’s first year blows. Lots of 1st year drivers get laid off. It’s rough.

If he doesn’t quit he’ll have more overtime than he cares for covering routes in the blind in years 2 and 3.

Then by year 4 he’ll think he deserves that top rate. Heck I know it all I deserve my own route too. And not no crappy route either. A nice one. The one drivers waited 20 years to get.

Package driving can be a great career. It will be worth it. If you quit you will not be missed and someone else will replace you. If you stay you can reap the rewards of being amongst the best paid employees in the industry represented by a union that won’t let you lose your job.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
Could be making 6 figures in a few years. Instead will probably be flipping burgers

I don’t feel bad for people like that. When I was in package I had this new driver. He had his class A. He wanted to drive feeders. He had only been with the company 2 months on preload. I told him I could put him on road in package in the summer. Had he stayed, he would be 2 years in as a ft driver and could be in feeders out of that very small center we worked in. He quit 6 months into it. No one can see the big picture.


Well-Known Member
My first year sucked stop being a bih if you quit now you will probably regret it working some lame job making 8 bucks an hr. These of the street hires think they somebody