"Absolutely. His real problem wasn't his analysis, but how it came out of his mouth"
Seems to always be the answer when someone says something so offensive, and it isnt well taken, right up there with "out of context"
"As Americans, we believe in forgiving and forgetting, and are terrible at understanding how history affects us today. We are arrogant in not recognizing that when we benefit, someone else may suffer. That will lead to resentment and anger, and if suppressed, will boil over one day."
I think we may be terrible at understanding how history affects us, or this conflict would be done, for the largest part, and may not have the casualties we have so far. Seems we are being blamed for being a country with economics resources, so we should feel bad every country doesnt have the same thing? Sounds like we should feel guilty?
"The debate format didn't give Paul the time to explain all of this. But I'm confident this is what he was saying. And yes, we need to understand history and how it plays a vital role in determining matters today."
Sounds like if we had given him more time he could have convinced us better, but hes not well spoken or organized, (must be a texas thing) so he needed more time than everyone else, now Martin is fixing it for him?
Those were just my thoughts when I read it. Im not much on history, so I cant debate on the Iran portion, I wont even try. Im not real analytical either, just my opinion of what I read.
So did I pass?