Route bid.


Well-Known Member
Why would that even be a rule? It's not like there aren't multiple people wanting to take it if you don't...

I'm calling bs. Never heard of that.
It’s not BS. Someone else from 177 will chime in I’m sure. I believe in package you get to try the route for a certain number of days, if you don’t like you can go back to your old route. In feeders it’s yours. You can’t back out.
No definitely not in feeders. I believe in package you get a certain number of days to try the route and if you don’t like you go back to your old route. It’s been a long time since I left package but I believe that’s how it works. Feeders, it’s yours. Can’t pass, no backing out. The bids are yearly in feeders so you’re only screwed until the new bid. It just happened last year. Feeder driver signed wrong job, went ballistic.
What about package?


Well-Known Member
What about package?
Yes you can go back. Just texted a buddy who’s still in package. I had trouble remembering. You can’t turn the bid down, you have to try the new route for at least one day. You don’t like, you go back to your old route. Again, in feeders nothing you can do. You win the bid it’s yours. No trying anything out. It’s been like that forever. Who is a feeder driver in 177 on here? They’ll confirm this. Is @Wally a feeder driver?
Yes you can go back. Just texted a buddy who’s still in package. I had trouble remembering. You can’t turn the bid down, you have to try the new route for at least one day. You don’t like, you go back to your old route. Again, in feeders nothing you can do. You win the bid it’s yours. No trying anything out. It’s been like that forever. Who is a feeder driver in 177 on here? They’ll confirm this. Is @Wally a feeder driver?
I don't think anyone is disputing the feeder issue, you came in hot with the info and then backtracked regarding package, which this thread was referring to in the first place. It's no big big deal bro.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone is disputing the feeder issue, you came in hot with the info and then backtracked regarding package, which this thread was referring to in the first place. It's no big big deal bro.
Yeah I screwed up the package part. It’s been a long time since I left package. I initially thought it was like feeders and then was second guessing that. My bad.


Box Monkey
In 776:
for package car, anyone can sign the bid. Then when it gets taken down the highest person is asked if they want it and they can accept or pass it on to the next person.
In feeders, if you’re the highest senior person when it’s taken down, you’re the winner, no passing.


Well-Known Member
Here it's if you put your name on it.. it's yours no if ands or buts. If you don't like it you can bid your route when it goes up in 5 days.

Description of the route is put up and it's the drivers responsibility to check to see if he/she really wants it.
Screenshot_20240423_230255_Adobe Acrobat.jpg

Doesn't say " The successful bidder will be asked if they really want the posted vacancy"


Well-Known Member
Well that sounds pretty sucky. We always had a 2 week grace period where you could get your old route back if you decide the new one wasn't for you.
Yeah then you run into the 15 guys that just want to jump off their route for a couple weeks with no intention of actually accepting the route.

Now the real winner doesn't get the bid for months.

If you've been in the center long enough you know what the route is and know who has done it. No reason to "try" the route for 2 weeks.

Come on I thought you guys were tough back then!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can go back. Just texted a buddy who’s still in package. I had trouble remembering. You can’t turn the bid down, you have to try the new route for at least one day. You don’t like, you go back to your old route. Again, in feeders nothing you can do. You win the bid it’s yours. No trying anything out. It’s been like that forever. Who is a feeder driver in 177 on here? They’ll confirm this. Is @Wally a feeder driver?
Everyone is still wondering if @Wally is currently employed with brown or has been retired for 20 years...


Well-Known Member
Yeah then you run into the 15 guys that just want to jump off their route for a couple weeks with no intention of actually accepting the route.

Now the real winner doesn't get the bid for months.

If you've been in the center long enough you know what the route is and know who has done it. No reason to "try" the route for 2 weeks.

Come on I thought you guys were tough back then!
Same with the bozos who want to go into feeder to get a two week "break" from pkg then wash themselves out 2 days before their CDL test.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Yes you can go back. Just texted a buddy who’s still in package. I had trouble remembering. You can’t turn the bid down, you have to try the new route for at least one day. You don’t like, you go back to your old route. Again, in feeders nothing you can do. You win the bid it’s yours. No trying anything out. It’s been like that forever. Who is a feeder driver in 177 on here? They’ll confirm this. Is @Wally a feeder driver?
Thirty days in the 177 to exercise your option to go back without losing seniority. The company can still keep you 6 months in Feeders to pay back Feeder investment cost.


Well-Known Member
Here we can either accept it or turn it down. If accepted we have two weeks to try the route to decide whether to keep it. If we turn it down after trying it, we go back to our old position, but we lose the ability to bid again for one year. If we turn it down without doing the route at all we are still eligible to bid.

Been In Brown Too Long

Ex-Package Donkey
This has always been an issue at UPS. I worked there 31+ years before retiring, and unfortunately the contract doesn't specifically have concrete language on this issue.

I'm in NorCal and for the first 10 years at my center, it was a free for all bid. Damn near everyone would sign the bid. Then they'd come around one by one and ask, are you interested. If you passed, you were out. If you accepted, you had a one day ride with a supe, and two days on your own to try it out. Worked well.

We get a new center manager while a bid list is up, and I'm high seniority on the list. New center mgr. says route is yours. I say, nah, I'm going to pass, he says no, you bid you take. He comes from a center still within our local, so I'm now finding out that there is no consistent policy on this. I argue it, say past practice should be in effect, and win. Keep my original bid route.

Years later, they keep the anyone can bid and pass, but kill the supe ride, three day tryout still in effect. Then a few years later, anyone can still bid and pass, but the three day tryout is gone. That's where it remains as far as I know.

At every union meeting about contract negotiations I would bring up this issue of not having a consistent policy regarding this in the contract language, and every contract it was avoided.


Never bought my own handtruck
Here if you don’t change classifications, then you are stuck. If a package car driver signed a bid they are already qualified for a package car job, there is no turning it down or trying it out. If you sit 22.3 or feeder you have the duration of your ”qualifying” period to go back.

@rod, I didn’t know you were a pusillanimous til just now, whhhaaaaaa I don’t like my new route I wanna go back. I am shocked!


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Here if you don’t change classifications, then you are stuck. If a package car driver signed a bid they are already qualified for a package car job, there is no turning it down or trying it out. If you sit 22.3 or feeder you have the duration of your ”qualifying” period to go back.

@rod, I didn’t know you were a pusillanimous til just now, whhhaaaaaa I don’t like my new route I wanna go back. I am shocked!


Retired 23 years
Here if you don’t change classifications, then you are stuck. If a package car driver signed a bid they are already qualified for a package car job, there is no turning it down or trying it out. If you sit 22.3 or feeder you have the duration of your ”qualifying” period to go back.

@rod, I didn’t know you were a pusillanimous til just now, whhhaaaaaa I don’t like my new route I wanna go back. I am shocked!
Comes in handy when you get a new route and the first thing they do is add another area to it. Seen it happen many times. When I retired my old route just about doubled. It took me years to get it whipped into shape.


Well-Known Member
Comes in handy when you get a new route and the first thing they do is add another area to it. Seen it happen many times. When I retired my old route just about doubled. It took me years to get it whipped into shape.
Yup. When I was in package a grizzly old timer retired. The center manager actually said in his little talk in front of everyone the day he retired “now I can add 40 stops to the route”

This is what these young kids don’t understand. There’s only one thing hero’s at UPS get. More work. Only applies in package. You run around in package, you’re an idiot. They’re going to expect that your entire career. Work safe, slow, and follow the methods. You get done early, guess what Jack. You’re not going home, you’re going to take 30 from someone who does the job the right way.