schedule change - less than 24 hrs preload


I am one of the few people at my location scheduled monday-friday because of the holiday this week it seems that they are trying to schedule everyone tomorrow. I am pretty sure I don't have to go in, am on a 4 day punch rn.. did not give me 24 hours notice forsure told me at 11:05 am
Quit being a lazy ass and go to work
COD will be there when you get home

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
I was perusing the forums and I had come across a couple of threads, they don't really do the posted start times im my building its kind of a word of mouth sorta deal at the end of the day, I would have talked to a steward about it today if they had notified me before I left the building

I am forsure scheduled for m-friend though
How are you suppose to get a 24hr notice if there is no schedule posted and it's word of mouth at the end of the shift.

If there was a schedule posted on Friday (like it should be) and it doesnt have you scheduled the following Saturday....then they can't force you to come in.

Demand to get a schedule posted on Friday for the following week and any future problems are solved.
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The Demon Jester
How are you suppose to get a 24hr notice if there is no schedule posted and it's word of mouth at the end of the shift.

If there was a schedule posted on Friday (like it should be) and it doesnt have you scheduled the following Saturday....then they can't force you to come in.

Demand to get a schedule posted on Friday for the following week and any future problems are solved.
as I am a m-friend worker and not a t-s worker they could have let me know any day of the week xD


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Ok couple questions.
Do you have a contract book?
Have you spoke with a shop steward?
Where did you hear the "24 hour notice" line from?

The reason I ask about the 24 hour notice is because it's a common rumor spread by the membership. The company does not have to give you 24 hours notice (at least where you are) unless I'm missing a local rider for you that I can't seem to find.


You're scheduled work days should have been posted last week.
View attachment 351503

If you're being forced in by seniority that's a different issue.
first time in awhile I’ve seen an actually helpful response ✊🧔
@IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U never helps anyone