Shooting in Gilroy CA. What is The Purpose of An Assault Rifle? Serious Topic.


Well-Known Member
Having a hard time keeping up with these acronyms. Actually had to look that one up.

Lock that shotgun up, it’s more likely your kid will shoot himself with your gun than it is that you’ll need that gun to shoot someone coming in to rape you and your family.



Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Is there anything that is Trump’s fault? Serious question.

Honestly, I guess Trump's faults would be in the eye of the beholder.

Trump has plenty of faults, he's human. Trump is a narcissist, and has an abrasive personality. He's one unusual dude, that's for sure. Serious answer. :happy2:


Well-Known Member
There should be more common sense controls and I agree with the posters who say movies, other media, some music , and maybe glorifying these mass shooters by posting their names and giving them their 15 minutes of fame should all be addressed.


the shooting was in a soft target. everyone legally entering was searched for weapons. this guy knew that and cut a hole through the rear of the fence to prey on those defenseless targets.

let me pass the test and conceal carry and that guy does not get very far.