Because of the BIG snowstorm in Denver does anyone know if UPS is still up and running even thow the government said no one should be on the streets?
Because of the BIG snowstorm in Denver does anyone know if UPS is still up and running even thow the government said no one should be on the streets?
Whatever happened to "....damn the torpedoes! we have to get those packages delivered"?
Upsers.com says operations are suspended for tomorrow 12/21. Looks like we will be working Saturday and maybe Sunday. Waste of time today. I was getting stuck at every stop. Drifts knee high at 10:30 this morning. At least I have 30 fewer stops for Friday. Good luck.
Upsers.com says operations are suspended for tomorrow 12/21. Looks like we will be working Saturday and maybe Sunday. Waste of time today. I was getting stuck at every stop. Drifts knee high at 10:30 this morning. At least I have 30 fewer stops for Friday. Good luck.
I will not be working Sunday. Thats church day you know.
But saturday is the sabboth.. you do practice two religons right?
Indeed...Commerce City Hub-based drivers were texted at 12:30 and told to be HOME (back in the Building) by 2:00. No preload tomorrow??? Blast!!!!! The package car I was on had OVER 200 packages and more than 150 stops left, I think. My driver was less than pleased with being out in general and not exactly hopping for joy at the recall order. He just kept saying, "This is good and bad." But...UPS is better than a restaurant I work in. They tried to stay open but threw in the towel around 4. And Aspen, according to the Weather Channel, I-25 is CLOSED from the Wyoming line to the New Mexico line. I-70 is closed for quite a ways east and west but I forget what it is. This is NOT gonna be a good weekend!!!!!!!