"Skilled Jobs"

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
See this is what I don't understand. Some say it's grievable and some say it's not. This "contract" has so many holes in it. It's amazing people can interpret it so many different ways. It reminds me of the Bible. LOL.


Well-Known Member
See this is what I don't understand. Some say it's grievable and some say it's not. This "contract" has so many holes in it. It's amazing people can interpret it so many different ways. It reminds me of the Bible. LOL.

Have YOU talked to YOUR Union reps?
If you are not sure then TALK to your Union Reps..
It can be interpreted many ways so talk tou your Union Rep.

Bottom Line is very clear, CONTACT THE UNION....


Well-Known Member
Well, they aren't making more money than me but they are in a better job and by being there they are keeping me from making an extra dollar per hour. Is it worth grieving if the contract doesn't even support it?


Section 4.

Part-time employees shall be given the opportunity to fill full-time jobs before hiring from the outside on a six-for-one basis (six (6) part-time to every one (1) outside hire).

The following will be incorporated into the job selection procedures in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum:
The Employer will fill all vacancies and permanent new jobs for part-time employees from the part-time selection list in all months except November and December.

Part-time employees with six (6) months or more seniority shall have the right to place their name on the list of employees waiting to be moved to a preferred job within their building. Such preferred jobs shall include, but not be limited to: Preload, Sorter, Clerical, Irregular Train, Designated Responder, Carwasher, Loader and Unloader. Employees do not have the right to select any specific unit, load or workstation unless a prior past practice has been established.

A maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the employees on a shift shall be allowed to change shifts in any one (1) calendar year. The employee obtaining the new position shall remain on that shift for at least six (6) months

Section 5. Wages

(b) Newly Hired Part-Time Employees
All part-time employees who are hired or reach seniority after August 1, 2002, will be paid according to the following wage schedules:
Hourly Rate
Preloader All
Sorter Others
Start $ 9.50 $8.50
Start plus ninety (90) days $10.00 $9.00
Seniority plus one (1) year $10.50 $9.50
Seniority plus two (2) years $11.00 $10.00
Seniority plus three (3) years $11.50 $10.50
Seniority plus four (4) years $12.25 $11.25

Employees working high volume direct or low volume direct shall receive the preloader/sorter rates.

(c) The wage rates and increases provided in (a) and (b) shall be a minimum.

(d) All part-time employees governed by this Article shall be provided a minimum daily three and one-half (3-1/2) hour guarantee.

Was there a vacancy in the sort aisle? Not did UPS create a vacancy but did anyone volunteer to leave?

Did UPS select employees from the Part Time Selection List? Employees may place their name on the selection list BUT THE NAMES ARE NOT PLACED AUTOMATICLY. Not the same as bidding but it is the same as bidding in a round about way. Bidding is for job openings that UPS knows are coming up but the Part Time Selection List is just like standing in line until something comes along.

If these people who replaced you DID NOT ASK to have their name placed on the list OR UPS DID NOT SELECT from the list - THAT IS A VIOLATION OF THE MASTER AGREEMENT...

The employees who replaced you have been employed by UPS for six (6) months or more? If not - THAT IS A VIOLATION OF THE MASTER AGREEMENT...

Now if you are making a dollar less that means the Union is getting a dollar less in dues from you... Grieve this and the Union will support you as it means MORE MONEY IN DUES.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

Part-time employees with six (6) months or more seniority shall have the right to place their name on the list of employees waiting to be moved to a preferred job within their building. Such preferred jobs shall include, but not be limited to: Preload, Sorter, Clerical, Irregular Train, Designated Responder, Carwasher, Loader and Unloader. Employees do not have the right to select any specific unit, load or workstation unless a prior past practice has been established.


Our sups seem to think that only the last sentence applies to our shift. Since we don't have "bid jobs" they use that sentence as a way to say they can put us anywhere. Those bid sheets go up but they ignore them since we don't have bid jobs. We only have one smalls unit and one belt sorting job so if our bid sheets were followed then whoever won the bids would be on the particular job they bid on. In my opinion that last sentence, that the sups tend to abuse, was really intended to keep people in buildings with numerous smalls stations and sort belts from picking specific work stations. In other words...you can bid on and win a small sort job but you can't pick which smalls station you work at. I am the senior guy on our shift so if I'm reading that article right then I'd say not only am I getting hosed but our shift as a whole is getting hosed as well. The sorting jobs should be "bid jobs". I'm going to get our steward involved. That is....if I ever see the guy.


Disgruntled Pkg Handler
See this is what I don't understand. Some say it's grievable and some say it's not. This "contract" has so many holes in it. It's amazing people can interpret it so many different ways. It reminds me of the Bible. LOL.

It seems that there's only one post speaking against grieving your case. Whether they call it a bid job or not doesn't make it less of a bid job, you say your center has one smalls sorter and one belt sorter. That's Sorter work, whether they think it's biddable or not, it is. The work area sentence applies to specific jobs as a Sorter, i.e. choosing between smalls or belt. I really think the "ayes" have it, file on them.

I hope this isn't a hijacking, but it seems highly related. Article 40 - Air Operations seems to be full of special circumstances and loopholes to weaken Air employees. In this case, our Gateway doesn't recognize "Sorter" positions at all, and I think they're right on this one.

Article 40, Section 6 Wages 2.H
(h.) Part-time air hub and gateway employees and air walkers shall be paid at the all other rate of pay as shown in Article 22.
Is there any Air P/Ters can make the skilled rate?


Well-Known Member
Our sups seem to think that only the last sentence applies to our shift. Since we don't have "bid jobs" they use that sentence as a way to say they can put us anywhere. Those bid sheets go up but they ignore them since we don't have bid jobs. We only have one smalls unit and one belt sorting job so if our bid sheets were followed then whoever won the bids would be on the particular job they bid on. In my opinion that last sentence, that the sups tend to abuse, was really intended to keep people in buildings with numerous smalls stations and sort belts from picking specific work stations. In other words...you can bid on and win a small sort job but you can't pick which smalls station you work at. I am the senior guy on our shift so if I'm reading that article right then I'd say not only am I getting hosed but our shift as a whole is getting hosed as well. The sorting jobs should be "bid jobs". I'm going to get our steward involved. That is....if I ever see the guy.

You should have 1 union steward and 1 alternate steward for each shift. You can file a grievence with any Union steward in your building so ask a driver who their steward is. Last alternative contact your Union BA directly...


Well-Known Member
if i'm not mistaken, in the national contract it doesn't say "skilled". in article 22 section 5. wages; states: Preloader/Sorter at a dollar/hour more vs. All Others... every position has it's own set of "skills" but the sorter and preloaders were paid a higher rate because of sort knowledge... gotta git

I don't see the $1 in NATIONAL 22/5. I think it's covered in the Supplements... However National 22/4 (FOUR) DOES say that you have a seniority right to a "preferred job" and the list of "preferred jobs" "shall include" (it lists a number) "Sorter" and "Unloader". No exceptions for small buildings or prior practice or anything: it says "The following WILL BE INCORPORATED into the job selection procedures in the in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum:" Read it, then grieve it.

Where the :censored2: are your stewards and BA?

Addendum: I wrote the above before seeing LKLND3380's post of the text of 22/4, but we're saying exactly the same thing. If there's a sort position you have a seniority right to sort. You can't choose which sort position...but that's not an issue in your building. It doesn't mean they can make you unload. If it meant that in your situation it would mean that everywhere...and it doesn't.
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You smell that?
You don't have a separate one for preload, reload, and drivers? How does that happen?

If finding your steward is too hard then just call your BA. I call mine all the time. My BA came from Yellow Freight and he's a decent guy, by the way.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You don't have a separate one for preload, reload, and drivers? How does that happen?

If finding your steward is too hard then just call your BA. I call mine all the time. My BA came from Yellow Freight and he's a decent guy, by the way.

Again....small center. Things are so screwed up here. I approached our steward a few years ago about having a steward on our shift and he looked at me like I was crazy. I think our BA is a UPSser. I would hope so anyway. Anyway...I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to fight the sups if they say we were moved off sorting jobs for "performance" before I throw through Article 22.4 at them because I hear our sups like to make printouts of missloads reports and then put them in everyone's files so that they'll add up over time. They do this so when someone complains later about being moved for no reason they can go open up that person's file and use the reports for evidence. I'm no contract expert but I would think that they would have to use those reports to give a verbal warning, then require more of them for a warning letter. Not just fill the person's record with those reports so that they could skip the whole disciplinary process.


You smell that?
I approached our steward a few years ago about having a steward on our shift and he looked at me like I was crazy.

Take an idea like that to your BA if your steward isn't responsive.

By small, exactly what do you mean? I'm in a small center as well. 29-32 routes a day.

Those misload reports are meaningless in your file, if they have put them there, are meaningless.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Take an idea like that to your BA if your steward isn't responsive.

By small, exactly what do you mean? I'm in a small center as well. 29-32 routes a day.

Those misload reports are meaningless in your file, if they have put them there, are meaningless.

About the same size as yours. Based on what I've read here I will feel comfortable if I just go and present our part-time sups with the Article 22.4 and explain to them that until they write me up for missloads they have no write to move me, or anyone else with enough seniority for the job, off a preferred job. If they try the "it's not a bid job" excuse then I'll explain to them that it doesn't matter and what matters is that it's a "preferred job."

The part I'm not sure about is how I'm going to defend myself if they go for my file. I don't even know what's in there because I never bothered to look at it because I've always heard that if the sups try and stash "ammo" there that it would be useless if they tried to use it. So, let's say they've been putting everyone's missload reports in our files. If I just say they are meaningless and they refute that then how can I defend it? Once that hole is closed I can go in for the kill. LOL


Well-Known Member
Big Arrow,

File seniority violations, also file for backpay/ to be made whole in every way. Also file it as past practice that you guys have sort etc.... You bid to sort based on seniority, and that extra dollar is for the skill, and is chosen by seniority. Stand your grounds, all of you affected file! If your ba doesn't do anything call the Pres. of the local, and raise hell.


Well-Known Member
A file report cannot be used after 9 months an an issue like missorts etc.. You folks can take control by filing everytime a sup works under Art. 3 sec 7 etc..Also under Article 37, you can file over harassment, overlysupervision, intimidation, of your duties etc...Overly supervision is pretty much when they stand over you while you're working, looking at the their watches etc...telling you to hurry.

If they threaten you for filing, file that they violated your protected activity which is an ULB (Unfair Labor Practice).

Call your local and demand an election for stewards on your shift. You pay dues, make them work for you. If you need advice don't hesistate to pm me.


Well-Known Member
About the same size as yours. Based on what I've read here I will feel comfortable if I just go and present our part-time sups with the Article 22.4 and explain to them that until they write me up for missloads they have no write to move me, or anyone else with enough seniority for the job, off a preferred job. If they try the "it's not a bid job" excuse then I'll explain to them that it doesn't matter and what matters is that it's a "preferred job."

The part I'm not sure about is how I'm going to defend myself if they go for my file. I don't even know what's in there because I never bothered to look at it because I've always heard that if the sups try and stash "ammo" there that it would be useless if they tried to use it. So, let's say they've been putting everyone's missload reports in our files. If I just say they are meaningless and they refute that then how can I defend it? Once that hole is closed I can go in for the kill. LOL

Do you pay union dues? Are you a member of a local? The UNION and your SHOP STEWARD are to DEFEND YOU... You are not to meet with supervisors WITHOUT Union representation.

If you are called into a meeting with a management representative and you have reason to believe that disciplinary action against you may result, you have the right to have a steward present during this meeting. Read the statement below to the management representative, and contact your steward immediately.

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I request that my union representative, officer, or steward be present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not to answer any question."

"This is my right under a U.S. Supreme Court decision called Weingarten.

For the last couple of days I have told you: CONTACT YOUR UNION REP. Now you write: "I will feel comfortable if I just go and present our part-time sups..."
