Smart Ways To Slowdown and Reduce Service


Engorged Member
Here are just a few. Feel free to add-in your own.

1. Work As Directed--Borrowed from our friends at UPS.Even if your manager wants you to do something incredibly stupid (inevitable), just do it. When it explodes, it will be all over them, not you.

2. Don't Use Security or Other Exception Codes To Make Service--People mis-use codes all the time, often at the direction of management. Take the late instead, plus if you mis-use it, and they check, you will be fired or disciplined and your manager will lie and walk away to lie another day.

3. Scan the Package In Front of the Customer-- Hitting the consignee's parking lot at 1030 is not making service. Wait until you're inside the door and in front of the recipient. It's policy anyway.

4. No Short Cuts--If you save lots of time cutting through industrial park lots and back alleys, why bother? Stay on the streets, and wait-out the traffic. If you get in an accident cutting through lots, guess who will be blamed?

5. Be Helpless--Whenever there is a problem, send Dispatch a message, call the station, or call your manager. Remember, you're both stupid and worthless, so act like it. Independent couriers who can make good decisions are critical to the success of the operation...don't be one of them. When management span of control increases after the buyout, this will really bite them hard. Remember, send lots of messages because you are "clueless". If this is hard for you, pretend you're a manager. Let them make the decision. Remember, you are incapable of it. Again, when someone stomps on the flaming bag of dog sheet, you don't want it to be you.

6. Don't Help ANYONE-- On deliveries, on pickups, or even sharing information. The less they know and the less you do, the worse they will look and the poorer the operation will run. The multiplier effect will kill them, and as more and more people are willing to do less and less, it will really screw them up big-time.

7. Drop Your Special Skills-- DG, Genesis, International. Get-off of these assignments as soon as you can. Let management figure-out how to replace you.

8. Disappear on the PM-- As soon as you arrive, check-out and leave the building. Take your time getting-in, never use the time as "break", and don't take short cuts. If traffic sucks and you're late...too damn bad.

9. Dog-it On The AM Sort---Stop the belt frequently, miss packages intentionally so they go to the end of the belt, and leave the sort and go outside if there is a leaking package. Better yet, dial the Fire Department and let them know you have a HAZ spill. Let the fun begin.

10. Don't Share Information--If there's an accident or some other problem stuffing-up traffic, let management figure out how they're going to communicate the information. Not your problem.

11. "It's Unsafe"--If they ask you to do something you don't feel comfortable with, let them know it's a "safety issue". Liability for anything gets their attention really quick.

12. Never do indirects or reattempts unless absolutely required--If doing so causes you problems, communicate that fact in a message to your dispatcher. "Doing that will cause me to miss the plane or CTV", "I will not be able to get my break", etc. If you are overloaded on pickups or deliveries, do the same. Communicate the problem right away, and put the onus on them, not you, to solve it.

13. Never Be a Hero-- Cutting corners and bailing the same losers out every day will get you nothing but more of the same...guaranteed. So why even consider doing it?

14. Drive The Speed Limit and don't be stupid. Racing around like a NASCAR driver will get you nothing but tickets, an accident, or worse.

This company could care less about you. Repay the favor whenever possible.

Out of the Dark

Active Member
Better yet, dial the Fire Department and let them know you have a HAZ spill.

The Fire Dept records the call. Speak in your best broken dialect and thru a sock.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Racing around like a NASCAR driver will get you nothing but tickets, an accident, or worse.
speaking of, I heard Denny Hamlin won't be getting a raise this year; ya know why?...cuz he's only a driver.
I do understand that his manager got one though - so all is good.

hypo hanna

Well-Known Member
Here are just a few. Feel free to add-in your own.

1. Work As Directed--Borrowed from our friends at UPS.Even if your manager wants you to do something incredibly stupid (inevitable), just do it. When it explodes, it will be all over them, not you.

2. Don't Use Security or Other Exception Codes To Make Service--People mis-use codes all the time, often at the direction of management. Take the late instead, plus if you mis-use it, and they check, you will be fired or disciplined and your manager will lie and walk away to lie another day.

3. Scan the Package In Front of the Customer-- Hitting the consignee's parking lot at 1030 is not making service. Wait until you're inside the door and in front of the recipient. It's policy anyway.

4. No Short Cuts--If you save lots of time cutting through industrial park lots and back alleys, why bother? Stay on the streets, and wait-out the traffic. If you get in an accident cutting through lots, guess who will be blamed?

5. Be Helpless--Whenever there is a problem, send Dispatch a message, call the station, or call your manager. Remember, you're both stupid and worthless, so act like it. Independent couriers who can make good decisions are critical to the success of the operation...don't be one of them. When management span of control increases after the buyout, this will really bite them hard. Remember, send lots of messages because you are "clueless". If this is hard for you, pretend you're a manager. Let them make the decision. Remember, you are incapable of it. Again, when someone stomps on the flaming bag of dog sheet, you don't want it to be you.

6. Don't Help ANYONE-- On deliveries, on pickups, or even sharing information. The less they know and the less you do, the worse they will look and the poorer the operation will run. The multiplier effect will kill them, and as more and more people are willing to do less and less, it will really screw them up big-time.

7. Drop Your Special Skills-- DG, Genesis, International. Get-off of these assignments as soon as you can. Let management figure-out how to replace you.

8. Disappear on the PM-- As soon as you arrive, check-out and leave the building. Take your time getting-in, never use the time as "break", and don't take short cuts. If traffic sucks and you're late...too damn bad.

9. Dog-it On The AM Sort---Stop the belt frequently, miss packages intentionally so they go to the end of the belt, and leave the sort and go outside if there is a leaking package. Better yet, dial the Fire Department and let them know you have a HAZ spill. Let the fun begin.

10. Don't Share Information--If there's an accident or some other problem stuffing-up traffic, let management figure out how they're going to communicate the information. Not your problem.

11. "It's Unsafe"--If they ask you to do something you don't feel comfortable with, let them know it's a "safety issue". Liability for anything gets their attention really quick.

12. Never do indirects or reattempts unless absolutely required--If doing so causes you problems, communicate that fact in a message to your dispatcher. "Doing that will cause me to miss the plane or CTV", "I will not be able to get my break", etc. If you are overloaded on pickups or deliveries, do the same. Communicate the problem right away, and put the onus on them, not you, to solve it.

13. Never Be a Hero-- Cutting corners and bailing the same losers out every day will get you nothing but more of the same...guaranteed. So why even consider doing it?

14. Drive The Speed Limit and don't be stupid. Racing around like a NASCAR driver will get you nothing but tickets, an accident, or worse.

This company could care less about you. Repay the favor whenever possible.

CYA with clear messages to dispatch as to why you can't do some special request then Hold your ground no matter much they beg. It's the driver that goes silent who gets extra attention.

Never sign off on an OLCC as written. Insist that your manager edit it to reflect your version of events. When they decide to fire you, these would be brought up in any litigation. Have those documents support your position as much as theirs. If its something others are guilty of who were not punished, note it. If its a failure of FedEx equipment or software, note it. If your manager doesn't want to edit the OLCC, don't sign. You don't have to be belligerent, but you don't have to sign anything you don't agree to either. If you think the manager will enter it with an "employee did not sign" notation, make sure you put that and any notes from your conversations in your employment diary/journal. Something we should all be keeping.
IMO, too many employees make it easy on them by being passive when they should be making it a nightmare for their mgr to fire them.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Just to add to your excellent list. When you have a package that is over 70, call or send a message that help is needed. I am now a feeder driver, but when I was in package cars I would do it every single time. It would drive them crazy. They would ask me to ask the customer and I stated that I did not have to do that. Sometimes they would hang up with me and call the customer. Other times when I had one at an apartment or residence they would have to send another driver to assist me. Use all proper methods, regardless of what job you have. NEVER take a short cut. Once they see that you can get 20 NDA off my 10:30 they will expect you do it every day. Walk, don't run, obey speed limits, take your meal and break during your work day. If you have a heavy load, (extra stops) still take your lunch even if they ask you to work through it. If you have a heavy pickup schedule, that will delay the evening sort. The company started this game, so we just need to play it by their rules !!

hypo hanna

Well-Known Member
If they try to give you trouble about not making numbers tell them in writing they will have to ride with you and show you how to make those numbers. There are very few managers who can make the numbers they are asking of you.


If they try to give you trouble about not making numbers tell them in writing they will have to ride with you and show you how to make those numbers. There are very few managers who can make the numbers they are asking of you.
I'll bet it's 100 percent without cutting corners


Nine Lives
Here are just a few. Feel free to add-in your own.

1. Work As Directed--Borrowed from our friends at UPS.Even if your manager wants you to do something incredibly stupid (inevitable), just do it. When it explodes, it will be all over them, not you.

2. Don't Use Security or Other Exception Codes To Make Service--People mis-use codes all the time, often at the direction of management. Take the late instead, plus if you mis-use it, and they check, you will be fired or disciplined and your manager will lie and walk away to lie another day.

3. Scan the Package In Front of the Customer-- Hitting the consignee's parking lot at 1030 is not making service. Wait until you're inside the door and in front of the recipient. It's policy anyway.

4. No Short Cuts--If you save lots of time cutting through industrial park lots and back alleys, why bother? Stay on the streets, and wait-out the traffic. If you get in an accident cutting through lots, guess who will be blamed?

5. Be Helpless--Whenever there is a problem, send Dispatch a message, call the station, or call your manager. Remember, you're both stupid and worthless, so act like it. Independent couriers who can make good decisions are critical to the success of the operation...don't be one of them. When management span of control increases after the buyout, this will really bite them hard. Remember, send lots of messages because you are "clueless". If this is hard for you, pretend you're a manager. Let them make the decision. Remember, you are incapable of it. Again, when someone stomps on the flaming bag of dog sheet, you don't want it to be you.

6. Don't Help ANYONE-- On deliveries, on pickups, or even sharing information. The less they know and the less you do, the worse they will look and the poorer the operation will run. The multiplier effect will kill them, and as more and more people are willing to do less and less, it will really screw them up big-time.

7. Drop Your Special Skills-- DG, Genesis, International. Get-off of these assignments as soon as you can. Let management figure-out how to replace you.

8. Disappear on the PM-- As soon as you arrive, check-out and leave the building. Take your time getting-in, never use the time as "break", and don't take short cuts. If traffic sucks and you're late...too damn bad.

9. Dog-it On The AM Sort---Stop the belt frequently, miss packages intentionally so they go to the end of the belt, and leave the sort and go outside if there is a leaking package. Better yet, dial the Fire Department and let them know you have a HAZ spill. Let the fun begin.

10. Don't Share Information--If there's an accident or some other problem stuffing-up traffic, let management figure out how they're going to communicate the information. Not your problem.

11. "It's Unsafe"--If they ask you to do something you don't feel comfortable with, let them know it's a "safety issue". Liability for anything gets their attention really quick.

12. Never do indirects or reattempts unless absolutely required--If doing so causes you problems, communicate that fact in a message to your dispatcher. "Doing that will cause me to miss the plane or CTV", "I will not be able to get my break", etc. If you are overloaded on pickups or deliveries, do the same. Communicate the problem right away, and put the onus on them, not you, to solve it.

13. Never Be a Hero-- Cutting corners and bailing the same losers out every day will get you nothing but more of the same...guaranteed. So why even consider doing it?

14. Drive The Speed Limit and don't be stupid. Racing around like a NASCAR driver will get you nothing but tickets, an accident, or worse.

This company could care less about you. Repay the favor whenever possible.

I fully support your efforts in this regard.


Well-Known Member
#1 Deliver straight service, don't mix p1 and p2, even if the store/neighbor has a p2 come back later. It helps you at the end of the day $$, and doesn't hurt your SPH much at all.(route dependant) and take your break at the proper time not at the end like some folks.


Well-Known Member
If they try to give you trouble about not making numbers tell them in writing they will have to ride with you and show you how to make those numbers. There are very few managers who can make the numbers they are asking of you.

In the handbook it says the manager knows how to show you how to do the route! LMAO. I know a few that can but 90% don't barely know anything anymore but numbers on a spreadsheet.


Well-Known Member
It's ok if the MGR can't ask him to have the swing driver show you, and then sit quietly as the swing works all day, take notes of speed infractions, rolling stops, errors in their best practices, and make sure to not provide any area help for the swing.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
Our Sr Mgr was giving one of our guys a hard time about his return to building time (extended route). He told the Sr Mgr to jump in the vehicle if she/he could do it better. End of conversation.

hypo hanna

Well-Known Member
Our Sr Mgr was giving one of our guys a hard time about his return to building time (extended route). He told the Sr Mgr to jump in the vehicle if she/he could do it better. End of conversation.

I had one take me up on the offer once. Narrowly missed causing a major accident, illegal parking and 4 late P1 stops. Never mentioned numbers to me again after that.