Somebody Died - Now He Can Drive!

Livin the Dream?

Disillusioned UPSer
I'm not making this up.

On leaving the center tonight, I saw a coverdriver friend of mine, a man who has not driven since before Christmas, and he was in browns! He drove yesterday & today.

He is jumping up & down with joy, yelling to me "Somebody died - I get to drive!"

I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Well-Known Member
Sad reality of the life of brown. Guys, if I die, please let it be an unwritten rule that you don't my family about stuff like this.


Box Monkey
A funny/morbid relevant story for you.

back in 97/98 I was sent back inside to work Preload after the strike since there was not enough work for me to drive. Most days I would also help onthe afternoon Preload sort, which does not exist in our building anymore. Everyday this one driver who had an EAM route would be walking out at about 3:30-4:00. Once in a while I would yell down to him, "Hey Ed, you know I'm going to have your route one day." His response was the same every time. "I'm going to have to die first."

fast forward to late 2002.....I had a mall route that started out not so bad but over time magincally started to acquire more work and more work and more work. After a year of this and working till 9 p.m. everynight I told my center manager that if he didn't change my route and help me out, I was going to bid a route in teh other center. he pretty much blew me off.

So forward a few more months a bid goes up. the previously mentioned Ed, had passed away from cancer. A week after signing the bid it came down to me and i accepted since, as i told my center manager, the worst run in other center would be better than the abuse he was putting me through.

In the end, I was right. I did get Ed's route, but i don't walk out at 3:30. Funny thing though, when I bid the route it did 92 stops max. Now, 6 years later, it does 130 stops, but far less businesses than he used to do. and I would never go back to the other center. Never ever.


Agent of Change
After a year of this and working till 9 p.m. everynight I told my center manager that if he didn't change my route and help me out, I was going to bid a route in teh other center. he pretty much blew me off.

I realize this is off-topic but its kind of funny. Lousy managers always share one trait in common: they never recognize what a great worker they have until s/he is gone. Can't tell you how many--non-UPS--managers I've run into weeks, months, sometimes years later. Every one of them asked if I was looking for a job :happy-very:. -Rocky


"Hang in there!"
Guys that are of age and eligible won't retire and younger guys are laid off. At some point, sadly, someone is going to be happy when these older guys die off.


Retired 23 years
Guys that are of age and eligible won't retire and younger guys are laid off. At some point, sadly, someone is going to be happy when these older guys die off.

Just remember-- after about 10 years at UPS those that think this way will be concidered as one of those "older guys" and someone will be thinking the same thing about them. Life is cruel that way:dissapointed:


Man of Great Wisdom
So true. The 10 year drivers when I started are all retiring now. I guess I'm one of the grizzled ole vets now. When do I start acquiring wisdom?
Just the other day a customer asked me why I wasn't their regular driver, for some unknown reason they would prefer me to the reg. I really think they were curious why someone my age is still a cover driver. LOL I told them that even with seniority I was still too far down on the list to bid a decent route, that I would just have to wait for a few higher senior drivers to die to get a good route. We both laughed and after I left I had this sense of shame for even thinking that, let alone saying it out loud. I truly would not want to move up the old ladder that way.

Livin the Dream?

Disillusioned UPSer
In the same vein, 3 months ago a bunch of us (8+) were talking before start, we were joking around wondering when we were going to drive. We joked about how we were all gonna chip in, buy 15-20 free trips to Atlantic City by bus for all the senior drivers, then we were going to sabotage the bus. It was all in humor, we had a good laugh. I won't make jokes like that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Schadenfreude (IPA: [ˈʃaːdənˌfʁɔʏ̯də]) is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

We had a feeder driver commit suicide a few months ago. Another driver said to me, "We move up in seniority." Some people are sick.


Man of Great Wisdom
Schadenfreude (IPA: [ˈʃaːdənˌfʁɔʏ̯də]) is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

We had a feeder driver commit suicide a few months ago. Another driver said to me, "We move up in seniority." Some people are sick.

He killed himself so you could move up the list. A true Teamster brother.


Well-Known Member
I don't want the senior guys to die I would never wish that on anyone, but I do wish the guy with 30-35 years driving would retire.


Nine Lives
.....yeah but going into management seems to have bizarre effects on one's ego.

I've seen that on a few occasions and I've seen similar effects on part-timers going into full-time driving.

Interestingly, this effect ssemed to be the most common and exagerated when a part-time hourly went into part-time management.

But the greatest change was my wife when we got married. :biting: